Savannah Shustack, Editor-in-Chief

Board releases details about Boer resignation in response to due process concerns
Former president calls for a transparent investigation

Calvin students and faculty shocked, left with questions in the wake of Boer’s resignation
Campus wakes up Wednesday to vandalism about Boer incident

The messy middle
A Christian university’s history of navigating disagreement and dissent

“Our strategy is enrollment growth”
Calvin’s updated Vision 2030 plan reflects institutional optimism

A never-ending CALLing
Calvin’s Academy for Lifelong Learning offers continuing education for seniors

Calvin’s total student body grew for the first time in a decade
Census data shows an increase in international and FTIAC enrollment, still declining Reformed populations

“There’s a hopefulness in building”
Enrollment and morale increases at Calvin despite lingering questions

January is National Human Trafficking Prevention Month
Here’s what you can do about it