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Calvin University's official student newspaper since 1907

Calvin University Chimes

Since 1907
Calvin University's official student newspaper since 1907

Calvin University Chimes

Calvin University's official student newspaper since 1907

Calvin University Chimes

Josh Polanski, Managing Editor

Joshua Polanski, Managing Editor

Joshua Polanski is a senior studying religion and strategic communication with plans to study at the intersection of religion and culture at the graduate level. In addition to working for Chimes, Joshua also works for the Rhetoric Center. In his rare free time, he reads everything from comics to Marxist literary theory and loves to watch all sorts of movies. He is originally from Akron, Ohio.

All content by Joshua Polanski
The faux progressivism of “Scoob!”

The faux progressivism of “Scoob!”

Joshua Polanski, Managing Editor
May 17, 2020

The latest Scooby Doo movie, “Scoob!”, is an artificial neo-liberal take on the “pup named Scooby Doo” series.   “Scoob!” was meant to be the first entry into the Hanna-Barbera Cinematic...

The Center for Counseling and Wellness can direct students to the care that meets their needs.

CCW continues providing mental health support during pandemic

Joshua Polanski, Managing Editor
May 6, 2020

“Wear clean pants every day,” advises Irene Kraegel, the director of the Center for Counseling and Wellness (CCW). Kraegel notes that the move online has created a struggle of motivation for many students...

C.S Lewis’s message for our pandemic

C.S Lewis’s message for our pandemic

Joshua Polanski, Managing Editor
May 4, 2020

“And at first sight this seems to be an odd thing to do during a great war. What is the use of beginning a task which we have so little chance of finishing? Or, even if we ourselves should happen not...

I was presumed positive for COVID-19: here’s what Calvin did for me.

I was presumed positive for COVID-19: here’s what Calvin did for me.

Joshua Polanski, Managing Editor
April 30, 2020

A few weeks ago, I woke up in a sweat and with body aches — a rare occurrence for me. The day after Calvin moved online, my body aches were so bad that I couldn’t do any school work. But by the next...

Survey to help find grad ceremony alternative

Survey to help find grad ceremony alternative

Joshua Polanski, Managing Editor
April 15, 2020

Calvin University will not hold the graduation ceremonies for the class of 2020 on May 23, due to executive orders and governmental regulations.  According to Le Roy, student senate appointed a group...

20% of profits from the "Decarcerate Collection" will go towards bailout efforts.

Calvin student’s company to raise bail out funds for inmates

Joshua Polanski, Managing Editor
April 5, 2020

Forgive Everyone Co., a company founded by Calvin student Skyler Rich, is giving a portion of its prison bailout efforts during the COVID-19 pandemic.  The virus presents heightened risks to prison...

Presumed positive COVID-19 case on Calvin campus

Joshua Polanski, Managing Editor
March 26, 2020

An on-campus student has a presumed case of COVID-19, according to a campus wide email. The student is isolated in a residence hall suite. According to the email, “there are other ‘presumed positive’...

Douthat's book against decadence indulges in a little decadence of its own.

New book on decadence glimpses to its own failures

Joshua Polanski, Managing Editor
March 13, 2020

Ross Douthat’s new book, “The Decadent Society: How We Became the Victims of Our Own Success,” critiques the West’s fall into decadence — and in the process, he makes a few decadent claims of...

 Calvin allows political candidates to speak on campus for educational events.

Calvin to suspend classroom instruction amidst COVID-19

Online classes to begin Monday
Juliana Knot and Joshua Polanski
March 11, 2020

Calvin is taking steps to slow the spread of the escalating COVID-19 pandemic. Classes will move online effective Monday, March 16, according to a campus wide email sent Wednesday night by President...

Scholarship system doesn’t reward improvement

Joshua Polanski, Managing Editor
March 6, 2020

Calvin’s current scholarships system doesn’t sufficiently reward student improvement. It’s counterintuitive that the current system cares more about high school performance than collegiate performance.  As...

How to vote in the Michigan primaries

Joshua Polanski, Managing Editor
March 5, 2020

The Michigan primaries for both major parties take place next Tuesday, March 10. If you haven’t voted, it’s not too late — even if you’re not registered.  In Michigan you can register up until...

Students travel to a variety of unique locations during interim.

Interim might move to May

Joshua Polanski, Managing Edior
February 28, 2020

Calvin is considering moving interim from January to May. The proposed changes would no longer require students to take three interims for graduation and would combine interim and spring semester for course...

Local United Methodist churches uncertain amidst possible schism

Joshua Polanski, Managing Editor
February 14, 2020

As the second largest Protestant denomination in the United States, the United Methodist Church, faces a potential schism, the future is uncertain for the 90 UMC churches in the Mid-West District of the...

War bond propoganda featured in Chimes.

Chimes coverage of historical events

Joshua Polanski, Managing Editor
February 7, 2020

Calvin College, now Calvin University, was established in 1876 — a mere 100 years after America’s founding. Since its founding, Calvin witnessed, felt and participated in some of the most important...

"Knives Out" features a star-studded cast.

Why you should watch Knives Out this Thanksgiving

Joshua Polanski, Managing Editor
November 26, 2019

As most of us prepare to spend Thanksgiving with our families, where we will fight with extended relatives about dumb political stuff and Thursday football, “Knives Out” stands out as a relevant and...

Umbrellas are often used to block projectiles and to hide protestors from surveillance while they create roadblocks.

Calvin alumnus protests for democracy in Hong Kong

Joshua Polanski, Managing Editor
November 1, 2019

Editorial note: Tyler Chan is a pseudonym; the alumnus wished to be anonymous because of his participation in “illegal assemblies.” After graduating from Calvin College last year with a major in...

Student life VP notifies campus about reported rape

Joshua Polanski, Managing Editor
October 30, 2019

Vice President of Student Life Sarah Visser sent out a campus-wide email notifying the Calvin Community that a student reported they were raped on “the walking path adjacent to Kalsbeek Huizenga van...

In Ostia, the port city where Augustine arrived en route to Rome, and where his mother, Monica, later died and was buried.

Encountering an ancient saint in modern times

Joshua Polanski, Managing Editor
October 20, 2019

What does the ancient African bishop, Augustine of Hippo, have in store for 21st century American readers? According to Calvin philosophy professor James K.A. Smith’s new book “On the Road with Saint...

Studio Park, Celebration Cinema to renew downtown Grand Rapids

Studio Park, Celebration Cinema to renew downtown Grand Rapids

Joshua Polanski, Managing Editor
October 4, 2019

With Celebration Cinema’s new Studio Park location, Grand Rapids opened its first downtown movie theatre in decades on Friday, Sept. 25. “Since the close of the downtown movie theaters in the 1960s,...

Decreasing enrollment, higher yield

Decreasing enrollment, higher yield

Joshua Polanski, Managing Editor
October 3, 2019

Continuing a six-year trend, the 2019 Day 10 report shows a decrease in FTIAC (first time in any college) students and total enrollment. The Day 10 report is an annual report released by the university...

Graphic by Yolanda Chow

Changes to our op-ed page

Joshua Polanski, Managing Editor
September 26, 2019

Towards the end of the spring semester, Chimes announced that we would revamp our opinion section by starting new columns. We want to maintain our commitment to sustaining fresh content for these columns,...

Graphic by Yolanda Chow

Faith Perspectives: A Christian celebration of Labor Day

Joshua Polanski, Managing Editor
September 13, 2019

Labor Day, the national celebration of the American working class, was this past Monday, and I thought there would be no better way to kick off our Faith Perspectives column than to celebrate the holiday...

Graphic by Yolanda Chow

Editorial changes in coverage of Campus Safety reports

Juliana Knot and Joshua Polanski
September 13, 2019

The weekly Campus Safety reports are a staple in every issue of Chimes. Usually, the reports are minor alcohol offenses, and students read and laugh at the Beets-Veenstra (or any dorm for that matter)...

Max Renauldo, at far left, stands with other Calvin ROTC students.

Calvin community loses senior student in motorcycle accident

Joshua Polanski, Managing Editor
August 25, 2019

Calvin University student Max Renauldo died in a motorcycle crash on Friday, Aug. 23. He was a senior finance major and a member of the Army National Guard. According to University Pastor Mary Hulst,...

Graphic by Yolanda Chow

Faith Perspectives: Take Rel-243; it will make you a better person

Joshua Polanski, Managing Editor
April 11, 2019

Education isn’t just an intellectual activity; at least it isn’t for professor Laura Smit. For Smit, education, particularly in Religion 243: Historical Theology I, is a shaping of moral identity....

Before getting cut, one of SAO's poster slogans read "Changing the conversation about pop culture."

[Photo] Calvin cuts SAO, students uneasy

Beth Boonstra, Guest Writer
March 29, 2019

Before getting cut, one of SAO's poster slogans read "Changing the conversation about pop culture."

Brie Larson as Captain Marvel

“Captain Marvel” happily avoids colonialism

Joshua Polanski, Managing Editor
March 11, 2019

While everyone’s talking about the feminism of Marvel’s latest movie, “Captain Marvel,” and rightly so, nobody’s talking about how it completely subverted our expectations from the semi-colonalist...

Don’t be pretentious, read a comic book

Joshua Polanski, Managing Editor
March 8, 2019

I’ve met too many “book lovers” who religiously refuse to touch a comic book or graphic novel. Don’t be that person. I’m not really sure where this came from but it makes little sense in a culture...

Why Protestants should care about the Catholic sex abuse scandal

Why Protestants should care about the Catholic sex abuse scandal

Joshua Polanski, Managing Editor
March 1, 2019

The Catholics on campus, as few as there are, shouldn’t be the only ones paying attention to this iteration of the sex abuse scandal. This past week, an Australian jury convicted Cardinal George Pell...

The crowd getting ready for some of the early awards.

CAS Oscar party encourages discussion, discernment

Joshua Polanski, Managing Editor
February 25, 2019

About 40 students gathered together for gummy bears, nachos and of course, the 91st Academy Awards. For the second consecutive year, the CAS department hosted an Oscar watch party at the Bytwerk Theatre...

New columns to spark new dialogue

New columns to spark new dialogue

Joshua Polanski, Managing Editor
February 23, 2019

Our opinion page has always attempted to start dialogue on campus. This is why we decided to spice up our op-ed page by adding a few new columns. The columns will be on recurring, although broad, topics....

Photo courtesy of

Religion department hires new professor

Joshua Polanski, Managing Editor
February 9, 2019

The religion department added their ninth faculty member, Clair Mesick, out of well over a hundred other applicants, according to the chair of the religion department, Kenneth Pomykala. The high number...

Photos courtesy of Calvin College Republicans.

Who are the Calvin College Republicans?

Joshua Polanski, Managing Editor
February 8, 2019

It’s especially easy to forget or neglect the faces behind our political organizations in today’s political climate, where politics have become a hot topic for college campuses like Calvin. The Calvin...

Snow outside of the library.

Many factors considered for Calvin snow days

Joshua Polanski, Managing Editor
January 30, 2019
There isn’t one factor that dictates the college’s decision to shut down school.
Photo courtesy

Review: ‘Mary Queen of Scots’ complicates history

Joshua Polanski, Managing Editor
January 11, 2019

Although this movie, directed by Josie Rourke, only has one royal figure in the title, it’s really about two: Mary Stuart (Saoirse Ronan) and Queen Elizabeth I (Margot Robbie). Well, at least it claims...

Human evolution

Evolution debate continues amongst Christian biology profs

Joshua Polanski, Religion Editor
December 7, 2018

Decades into the faith and evolution conflict and the majority of biology professors at many Christian schools teach evolution as the best explanation for the development of life, but they teach it at...

Photos courtesy of Smoke Break Productions.

Calvin students reflect on award winning short-film

Joshua Polanski, Religion Editor
November 12, 2018

Smoke Break Pictures, the largely Calvin-student-led production company, won the audience choice award and a $1,000 award at the 2018 Adrian International Film Festival this spring with their short film...

Photo courtesy of

First Man: the best film this year

Joshua Polanski, Religion Editor
October 19, 2018

First Man, Damien Chazelle’s third film, is the movie that our polarized country needs. With its thoroughly humanist perspective, it unites rather than divides. It also happens to be the first time Neil...

Oscar Romero (right) meeting Pope Paul VI (left).

Local bishop discusses martyred saint

A conversation with Most Rev. Bishop David J. Walkowiak on the canonization of late Archbishop Oscar Romero
Joshua Polanski, Religion Editor
October 15, 2018

The assassinated Archbishop Oscar Romero became Saint Romero on Oct. 14. Most Rev. Bishop David J. Walkowiak of the Diocese of Grand Rapids spoke about the life, martyrdom and significance of Romero and...

Op-ed comments

Joshua Polanski, Religion Editor
October 11, 2018

In last week’s Chimes, in both my op-ed and my article on Mr. Dudley’s critical appraisal of the pro-life movement, I referred to “rape allegations.” I apologize for my mistakes. In regards...

Calvin grad critiques evangelical pro-life movement

Joshua Polanski, Religion Editor
October 5, 2018

Jonathan Dudley, alumnus of Calvin College, gave a “critical appraisal” of the evangelical pro-life movement, arguing that the evidence used by the pro-life movement needs to be rehashed. Dudley, also...

An empty room in the religion department.

Calvin’s religion dept. experiences major decline in students

Joshua Polanski, Religion Editor
October 5, 2018

The religion department has experienced a relatively steady decline of majors over the past nine years. In 2009 there were 65 majors, with the numbers falling year-by-year, from 60, 56, 49, 42, 37, 35,...

Opinion: Modern evangelicalism is at odds with historic Christianity

Joshua Polanski, Religion Editor
October 4, 2018

Christianity has always stood against the venomous rhetoric and bigotry of dangerous demagogues, even if their politics seemed favorable to Christian leaders. Simply put, the Christian faith doesn’t...

Holland community members discussing faith over Thai food.
Credit: Joshua Polanski

Calvin students attend interfaith dinner

Joshua Polanski, Religion Editor
September 27, 2018

HOLLAND, MI — Six Calvin students shared an interfaith meal with members of the Holland community. The event took place at the Holland Arts Council on Tuesday, September 25. Participants came to the...

Photo courtesy of

SAO shows Solo: a not-so Star Wars story

Joshua Polanski, Religion Editor
September 24, 2018

You don’t have to be a Star Wars fan to enjoy this film. In fact, it’s more entertaining if you aren’t a junkie of the series. Sure, it still has the typical overwhelming score, a few pointless sub-plots...

Hekman Library currently has various antique Bibles on display.

[Photo] Hidden gems in the Meeter Center

Jacob Moose
September 15, 2018

Hekman Library currently has various antique Bibles on display.

Photo courtesy

SAO’s year end concert intimate, moving

Joshua Polanski, On-Call Writer
April 24, 2018

Phoebe Bridgers and her four-member band transported a packed house at the Ladies Literary Club with their mellow and somber performance. Since the September release of her debut album, “Stranger...

Abraham Kuyper. Scanned from "The American in Holland" by W. E. Griffis (published 1899).

Professor emeritus discusses the downsides of Kuyperian theology

Joshua Polanski, On-Call Writer
March 30, 2018

In his lecture, “Kingdom Mistakes and Their Consequences: From Abraham Kuyper to the Religious Right,” David Crump, professor emeritus from the Calvin College religion department, proposed that the...

Three spring classes are using Google technologies to engage
with other remote classrooms at Alma and Albion Colleges. Photo by Jessica Zylstra.

Calvin joins local schools for live-stream learning

Joshua Polanski, On-Call Writer
March 8, 2018

This spring, three classes are offered to Calvin students via remote live stream, including professor of sociology, Roman Williams’ course, “Visual Sociology.” The courses are taught via Google-supplied...

Photo courtesy Calvin education department.

Education department receives highest marks in Michigan

Joshua Polanski, On-Call Writer
February 21, 2018

Calvin College’s education department received the highest 2017 Educator Preparation Institution (EPI) scores out of all comprehensive educational institutions in Michigan. The EPI scores are assigned...

(Left to right) Pennylyn Dykstra-Pruim, Renee Sparks and John Witvliet. Photo courtesy Calvin College.

2029: Calvin’s reformed identity taking shape

Joshua Polanski, On-Call Writer
December 1, 2017

A panel of three Calvin faculty members gathered on Nov. 16 in the Willow Room of Prince Conference Center to discuss “how should a Reformed theological vision shape the college’s definition of academic...

Photo from

Calvin’s identity continually changing

Joshua Polanski, On-Call Writer
October 27, 2017

Calvin College has not always been the increasingly diverse campus that it is now. Calvin was originally founded by a Dutch immigrant community to train ministers. Since it was founded by and for the Dutch...

The Sex Ed event is part of Calvin College’s 2017
Sexuality Series. Photo courtesy

Professors and staff bring Christian perspective to sex ed

Joshua Polanski, On-Call Writer
October 6, 2017

This article previously stated that the film "Over 18" will be shown on Oct. 18. It will be shown on Oct. 19. Sex Ed, an event in the Sexuality Series on Tuesday, was dedicated to having Christian professionals...

Photo courtesy

Geo prof predicts Irma’s potential damage

Joshua Polanski, On-Call Writer
September 15, 2017

Geography Professor Jason VanHorn tracked the path of Hurricane Irma to uncover how many people were in the storm’s path this week. Though VanHorn’s technologically-based research revealed an alarming...

Students make cases for new org charters

Joshua Polanski
April 28, 2017

Thirteen potential student organizations have applied to be among Calvin’s 70 officially chartered spots for the 2017-2018 academic year. The proposals accepted for consideration are the Apologetics...

Town hall tackles tough topics

Joshua Polanski
April 21, 2017

At the last town hall meeting on Wednesday, April 12, student body president Bill Warners introduced President Michael Le Roy. The topic of discussion at the town hall was primarily civility, diversity...

Projected 20-year plan imagines what the new renovation could look like. Photo courtesy Calvin College.

Students share views on planned Calvin renovations

Joshua Polanski
April 7, 2017

Calvin is currently in the process of implementing its “master plan.” The master plan appears in a booklet by the Campus Master Plan Steering Committee that presents Calvin College’s renovation plans...

Former refugee Dhan Kahtiwoda shares his story. Photo by Mimi Mutesa.

Refugees share stories at Noontime Series

Joshua Polanski
February 17, 2017

An estimated 21.3 million refugees were recorded worldwide in 2016. Who are these millions of refugees in our midst? At the Noontime Series last Thursday, Bethany Christian Services representative Ana...

Wheaton College professor speaks on Adam and Eve identity

Joshua Polanski
February 10, 2017

John H. Walton, author and professor of Old Testament at Wheaton College, spoke on interpretations of Genesis at last Monday’s Christian Perspective in Science seminar. The lecture, hosted by the...

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