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Calvin University's official student newspaper since 1907

Calvin University Chimes

Since 1907
Calvin University's official student newspaper since 1907

Calvin University Chimes

Calvin University's official student newspaper since 1907

Calvin University Chimes

Madalyn Buursma

Madalyn Buursma, Features Editor

Working as the features editor this year, Madalyn is a senior majoring in writing, with minors in Chinese and political science. Her favorite part of her Calvin experience so far— besides writing for the Chimes, of course—was going on the semester abroad trip to China, where she studied the language and enjoyed China’s culture. With a minor caffeine addiction, a passion for stories, and a strong love of food, she hopes to continue her journey after college as journalist.

All content by Madalyn Buursma
Graphic by Yolanda Chow

Yes, you can tell people “no”

Madalyn Buursma, Features Editor
April 27, 2019

When our Op-Ed editor asked me to write an opinion piece for this week, I wanted to tell her no. I couldn’t accept one more piece of writing, one more commitment. As I juggle my role here at Chimes,...

Photo courtesy of Mannhattan

Because of SAO

Madalyn Buursma, Features Editor
April 5, 2019

The Calvin band “Mannhattan” found success “As a constantly changing reflection of humankind's wild and and unbridled passions, Rock music has gone in many directions over the past few decades,”...

Bill Huizenga attended the Trump rally that was held in downtown Grand Rapids. Chimes had a chance to interview him at the event.

Calvin alum Congressman Bill Huizenga on faith and politics

Madalyn Buursma, Features Editor
March 29, 2019

For Congressman Bill Huizenga, representative of Michigan's second district and Calvin 1991 alumnus, faith influences everything he does in his work. “Sometimes there’s more of an emphasis or focus...

Jamie Atkinson, Julia Smith, and Taylor Hartman

Students Against Sexual Violence: An old student organization under a new name

Madalyn Buursma, Features Editor
March 1, 2019

“Help yourself to snacks,” everyone kept saying. The room was full of chatter, as students started gathering in a Hiemenga classroom, eventually taking their seats. The 10 students were there for the...

Photo courtesy of

Professor researching effects of purity culture

Madalyn Buursma, Features Editor
February 21, 2019

Professor Rachel Venema of the social work department is conducting a research study exploring student experiences with sex education and Christian purity culture, and how they impact attitudes towards...

A handful of condoms found in the library's bathroom.

Valentine’s Day ‘condom caper’ promotes safe sex on Calvin’s campus

Madalyn Buursma, Features Editor
February 17, 2019

'When she first heard about the condoms in the library, Carla Hotz thought the Hekman Library, where she works as head of access services, had been pranked. Instead, an unknown person or group had distributed...

Photo courtesy of

Calvin’s Valentine’s Day festivities celebrates love beyond romance

Madalyn Buursma, Features Editor
February 15, 2019

Calvin students found many unique ways to celebrate Valentine's Day this year. From celebrating Galentine's Day to debating over the “friend-zone,” most of the celebrations were not actually centered...

The Chimes office offers a glimpse into Calvin’s history

Madalyn Buursma, Features Editor
February 1, 2019

Hidden in the basement corridors of the Commons Annex lies a Calvin College time capsule, the Chimes office — or the Choffice as we call it. Lining the shelves are the Chimes archives, from 1907 to 2018....

The Alhambra, a palace in Granada, Spain, where some Calvin students on the Spain trip visited.

Twenty One Interim Trips Currently Abroad

Madalyn Buursma, Features Editor
January 17, 2019

Calvin gives many students the opportunity to study abroad and see new places during January Interims. These trips take students all around the world, from Switzerland to the Dominican Republic. Currently,...

Screenshot taken of Google Maps

Calvin Students studying in Kenya safe following terrorist attack

Madalyn Buursma, Features Editor
January 17, 2019

On Tuesday, Jan. 15, terrorists made an attack on Nairobi, Kenya, one of the destinations for Calvin students studying abroad for interim. The group of students and two faculty members are safe following...

A Bible verse painted on the wall of a BHT prayer room.

Prayer rooms offer quiet space for students to worship, decompress

Madalyn Buursma, Features Editor
January 11, 2019

Tucked away within the dorms and apartments on Calvin’s campus are many prayer rooms and meditation chapels for students to use. Each of the spaces are unique — some with paintings on the ceiling tiles,...

Photo by Madalyn Buursma

Number of students studying language declines despite benefits

Madalyn Buursma, Features Editor
November 30, 2018

This article could have been written in Dutch, had it been written in 1907 when Chimes began; it is written in English, however, as many students across campus are monolingual. Despite a decline in students...

Students at the Hope music student rally.

Calvin not alone: Hope students rally to protest music faculty cuts, suspensions

Madalyn Buursma, Features Editor
November 16, 2018

Liberal arts colleges across the country are seeing drops in humanities enrollment, and both Hope College and Calvin College have recently made cuts to their music programs. This has led to unrest among...

Calvin administration makes statement on the legalization of marijuana

Madalyn Buursma, Features Editor
November 8, 2018

The Calvin College administration has released a statement regarding how the passing of Proposal 1, which legalizes recreational use of marijuana in Michigan, will affect Calvin’s campus. Despite its...

Student activity around elections reflects investment

Student activity around elections reflects investment

Michelle Hofman and Madalyn Buursma
November 7, 2018

  Calvin students and political science faculty watched the votes coming in at an election watch party hosted by the political science department. Students came and went, watching the the three...

Double-sided printers leads to wasted paper (and frustrated students)

Madalyn Buursma, Features Editor
November 5, 2018

Calvin College has both a commitment to environmental issues as well as academics; some printers automatically printing double-sided, however, puts these two in conflict. Recently, I was printing out...

Photo courtesy of Calvin College Alumni Choir

Calvin College Alumni Choir allows grads to sing with a national reputation

Madalyn Buursma, Features Editor
November 2, 2018

For these singers, the music doesn’t have to end at pomp and circumstance. The Calvin College Alumni Choir, with a national reputation and many impressive achievements, gives Calvin alumni a chance to...

One of the entrances to Q Commons.

Bob Goff and others search for common ground, bettering communities

Madalyn Buursma, Features Editor
November 2, 2018

Thousands of people gathered at 150 locations — including Grand Rapids — for the annual Q Commons on October 25, to listen to innovative speakers talk about bettering their communities. The two-hour...

CSA Bible study presents play at a Detroit Chinese church

Chinese Student Association defining its role at Calvin

Madalyn Buursma, Features Editor
October 5, 2018

The Chinese Student Association (CSA) has been undergoing some changes this year. The club, focused on helping Chinese speaking students as well as teaching other students about Chinese culture, organizes...

Pictured: Calvin College Republicans with U.S. Senate candidate John James.

Bipartisan relationship in a polarized world

Madalyn Buursma, Features Editor
September 28, 2018

Despite existing in a polarized climate, two student organizations — the Calvin College Republicans and the Calvin College Democrats — maintain a Christ-like bipartisan relationship, through joint...



Madalyn Buursma, Features Editor
September 21, 2018

A new chapter of PERIOD has started at Calvin college this year. PERIOD is an organization working to help women gain access to menstrual products and to lift the taboo around talking about menstruation. According...

Photo courtesy

Off-campus programs: Making the world a smaller place

Madalyn Buursma, Staff Writer
February 15, 2018

The plane was set to board in 15 minutes. An airplane stewardess came on the speakers in the small terminal of the Chicago O’Hare airport, making an announcement first in English, and then Chinese. After...

Calvin students visited Daoist temples while studying abroad in Beijing. Photo by Mimi Mutesa.

Students experience Chinese houses of worship

Madalyn Buursma, Staff Writer
October 13, 2017

The 19 Calvin students on this fall’s Beijing semester have seen many of China’s beautiful houses of worship. They have seen many types of them as well, from temples thousands of years old, to churches...

Photo courtesy

Center for Faith and Writing

Madalyn Buursma
May 5, 2017

Created to serve the community through literary opportunities, the Calvin College Center for Faith and Writing is the newest addition to Calvin’s centers and institutions. Professor Jennifer Holberg,...

A guide to coffee shops in GR

Madalyn Buursma
March 3, 2017

Coffee shops are the staple for many students’ study habits. According to TripAdvisor, there are roughly 35 coffee shops located throughout Grand Rapids. With so many to choose from, it’s hard to decide...

Photo courtesy Calvin Sports Information.

On the court of thine enemies: The Calvin vs. Hope rivalry

Madalyn Buursma
February 17, 2017

The Calvin-Hope rivalry: the rivalry. It started out as a disagreement about the use of hymnals in the 19th century. From there, it took off until it morphed into what fans witness today, spanning over...

The dorm Beets-Veenstra Hall, named after Henry Beets and Johanna Veenstra; Photo courtesy

Calvin’s residence halls: a brief history

Madalyn Buursma
February 10, 2017

Calvin College Campus includes expansive dorms with various living-learning communities that offer many unique opportunities. Throughout their first two years at Calvin — or longer, if they become an...

Photo by Mary Taber

January Series (1/10): Abraham Nussbaum

Madalyn Buursma
January 11, 2017

“Tinkering in Today's Healthcare Factories: Pursuing the Renewal of Medicine” In his January Series talk on Jan. 10, physician and writer Abraham Nussbaum examined three different ways to approach...

Photo by Meredith Hanson

Myth Busters: Knight Edition

Madalyn Buursma
May 7, 2016

There are a lot of myths here at Calvin College that most students have heard of, as is common for any college. Does a student get free tuition if their roommate dies? Does each dorm have a “personality”...

Photo Courtesy Pastor Mary

Q & A with your local chaplain, Mary Hulst

Madalyn Buursma
February 26, 2016

Beloved college chaplain Mary Hulst, known commonly as Pastor Mary,  is very visible all around campus — talking to students, attending meetings, going to sports events and, most importantly, preaching...

Lesser Known Clubs of Calvin

Madalyn Buursma
February 14, 2016

With so many clubs and organizations at Calvin, any student can find a group that focuses on something they love. Many students are not aware of some of the smaller clubs, particularly those that are new,...

Photo By: Meredith Hanson

CUPPS mugs “raise awareness about our disposable culture”

Madalyn Buursma
November 20, 2015

CUPPS mugs. They’re great for getting drinks in the dining hall and getting discounts — plus, they look cool. But what is their purpose? CUPPS is a program run by the environmental stewardship coalition...

Photo Courtesy Buursma Family

New Horizons: Being a missionary kid at Calvin

Madalyn Buursma
October 29, 2015

Calvin’s student body is a diverse one, including a large group of missionary kids. Being a missionary kid comes with many challenges and opportunities. Kristin Buursma, a Calvin alumna and current missionary...

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