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Calvin University Chimes

Since 1907
Calvin University's official student newspaper since 1907

Calvin University Chimes

Calvin University's official student newspaper since 1907

Calvin University Chimes

Calvin's chapel hosts weekday services Monday through Friday.

Chapel attendance remains consistent, doubles for Thursday service

Nolan Cowan, Religion Reporter
October 7, 2023

Changes to Thursday chapel, made in an effort to increase student connection with contemplative worship, seem to be paying off as other chapel attendance trends stay consistent.  In previous years,...

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Q&A with Nate Bradford, co-associate chaplain for residence life

Josh Parks
May 14, 2015

Nate and Aminah Bradford have been co-associate chaplains for residence life at Calvin for the last seven years. They will be leaving their roles here at the end of this academic year so Aminah can pursue...

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World language chapels provide wider worship opportunities

Marissa Hielkema
April 30, 2015

One of the pillars at Calvin College is the act of engaging God’s world. Though this can be seen in myriad ways, language — and specifically world language chapels — are a compelling example. Stemming...

Prayer labyrinth provides space for meditation, prayer during Holy Week

Josh Parks
March 26, 2015

For four days during Holy Week, March 30 through April 2, the Chapel undercroft will feature a prayer labyrinth. The labyrinth is intended to provide a unique place for quiet, restful, meditative prayer...

Taize chapels offer rest and reflection

Josh Parks
March 6, 2015

“Please Enter Quietly” signs will grace the lobby of Calvin’s chapel on Thursdays in March as chapel services feature worship in the Taize style, led by Calvin professors Stephanie Sandberg and Karen...

Ash Wednesday chapel a reminder of Lent’s purpose

Josh Parks
February 20, 2015

For many Christians, Lent is about giving up something delicious for 40 days as an exercise of willpower, and Ash Wednesday is the confident beginning of this fast before Hershey’s Special Dark bars...

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Six-week campus Bible study focuses on “Sabbath”

Josh Parks
February 6, 2015

Calvin is taking on the issue of “Sabbath” in a campus-wide Bible study during the first six weeks of second semester. Much like last semester’s James study, it will include both LOFT services and...

Applications for next year’s Worship Apprentice team open now

Applications for next year’s Worship Apprentice team open now

Josh Parks
February 6, 2015

Campus ministries is currently taking applications for next year’s worship apprentice (WA) team. The WAs are a group of six to eight students responsible for leading worship at Calvin, planning chapel...

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Chapel series seeks faith-filled ways to approach big issues

Josh Parks
January 15, 2015

The familiar weekly chapel pattern is on hiatus this Interim as campus ministries presents a three-week series called “By Faith.” The series focuses both on the faith of biblical figures recorded in...

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Sexual assault survivor speaks at chapel

Lauren Hubers
April 10, 2014

Sexual assault survivor Acacia Beelen shared her story in a chapel service lead by the Sexaul Assault Prevention Team (SAPT) on Wednesday, April 9. “April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month,” said...

Photo courtesy Rick Treur.

Students reflect on role of LOFT and chapel services

Joe Mohan
October 10, 2013

Calvin students reflect on the role worship services on campus, such as daily Chapel and LOFT, should play in their spiritual lives. While many students appreciate daily opportunities to join the Calvin...

Photo courtesy Rick Treur.

Chapel Schedule: April 29 – May 3

Chimes Staff
April 28, 2013

Monday: Grow Let’s grow together in God’s word as we continue our series on the resurrection appearances of Jesus through the gospel of John. This week, Kathy Smith, associate director of the...

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