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Calvin University Chimes

Since 1907
Calvin University's official student newspaper since 1907

Calvin University Chimes

Calvin University's official student newspaper since 1907

Calvin University Chimes

All content by Abby Zwart
Editorial: Least Action

Editorial: Least Action

Abby Zwart
May 2, 2013

I’ve been writing for Chimes for four years and have occupied this editorial space for two. This is my last hurrah, and it’s going to be sentimental and inspiring, darn it. Cynics beware; stop now...

Editorial --- On Humility

Editorial — On Humility

Abby Zwart
April 26, 2013

The cool light of your computer screen glows in the impending dusk of your bedroom. Squinting at the text, which seems to be getting smaller by the minute, you scroll through yet another list of qualifications...

Israeli-Palestinian conflict comes to Calvin in form of concert, lecture

Abby Zwart
April 24, 2013

What do a Jewish musician and a Palestinian Christian have in common? There’s no punch line to this one, except to say that both individuals will be on campus this Thursday, April 25, as part of a...

Editorial: An open letter to student senate

Editorial: An open letter to student senate

Abby Zwart
April 18, 2013

Dear 2013-2014 student senate, It’s election week.  I’ve never been a huge fan, but this year I’m particularly perturbed. Originally, this year’s senate “race” was an “if you’re willing,...

Cabinet candidate withdraws, all races now unopposed

Cabinet candidate withdraws, all races now unopposed

Abby Zwart
April 11, 2013

This year’s already unusual student senate elections, which began Wednesday at midnight, took another interesting turn less than 24 hours after launch. Sophomore Andrew Harris, who was one of four students...

Editorial: April 12

Editorial: April 12

Abby Zwart
April 11, 2013

What do you look for in a significant other? It’s a deceptively simple and endlessly compelling question. As the eternal subject of men’s and women’s health magazine articles and online relationship...

File Photo

Editorial: April 5 — Rebel with a (few) cause(s)

Abby Zwart
April 5, 2013

Things my generation likes: social justice, recycling, urban gardens, guerilla art, TED Talks, TOMS, fair but not equal, fair trade,, human rights, animal rights, gay rights, black rights, white...

Editorial: March 15 - The Burning House

Editorial: March 15 – The Burning House

Abby Zwart
March 14, 2013

It’s very likely that in elementary or middle school you completed a worksheet called “Survive the Wild” or “Desert Island.” (And you probably spelled it Dessert Island, which is altogether more...

Editorial: Mar. 8 - Finding the beautiful

Editorial: Mar. 8 – Finding the beautiful

Abby Zwart
March 7, 2013

I’m a collector of quotations. Cliche for an English major, I know. But one that’s stuck with me since early high school has to do with beauty, a subject that never ceases to fascinate me. Emerson...

Editorial: Feb. 22 - The Oscars

Editorial: Feb. 22 – The Oscars

Abby Zwart
February 22, 2013

It’s that time of year again — Oscar season. The Academy Awards air this Sunday night, and I’ll definitely be tuned in. Yes, I know, the Oscars are everything that is wrong with American society....

Image by Jill DeVries

Upcoming play explores intimacy and sexuality

Abby Zwart
February 21, 2013

“A universal desire to know and be known.” It’s a phrase that came up several times in Chimes’ interview with Calvin staff member and 2003 graduate David Ellens as he spoke about his new play,...

Editorial: Feb. 15 - On being a grownup

Editorial: Feb. 15 – On being a grownup

Abby Zwart
February 15, 2013

“What do you want to be when you grow up?” They used to ask us this all the time when we were kids. Preschool teachers gave us pieces of construction paper, and we covered them with crayon scrawlings...

Editorial: Feb. 8 - Tell your story

Editorial: Feb. 8 – Tell your story

Abby Zwart
February 8, 2013

I was reading a textbook the other day. Big surprise, I know. It was a text for my senior seminar in English education, and I was not looking forward to the chapters. Education textbooks have a (understandable)...

Editorial: Feb. 1

Editorial: Feb. 1

Abby Zwart
February 1, 2013

Transparency. Wait! Don’t stop reading! I know that word has lost almost all meaning in the hustle and bustle of government elections, committee meetings and business deals. The word has come to represent...

Roberts’ gender-based solution to bipartisanship flawed

Roberts’ gender-based solution to bipartisanship flawed

Abby Zwart
January 17, 2013

I didn’t attend Cokie Roberts’ January Series lecture, “An Insider’s View to Washington, D.C.,” because she is a woman. I attended hoping to hear the experience of a journalist whom I admire. What...

Mouw and Millet move toward religious understanding

Mouw and Millet move toward religious understanding

Abby Zwart
January 9, 2013

The year 2012 was dubbed “Year of Interfaith Understanding” in many communities around West Michigan.  Organized as the area’s response to the 10-year anniversary of 9/11, the year-long program...

Editorial: Nov. 30 - Seeing

Editorial: Nov. 30 – Seeing

Abby Zwart
November 30, 2012

“I’ve been thinking about seeing,” writes Annie Dillard, renowned essayist, novelist, poet, and nature enthusiast.  Her ruminations on seeing are largely focused on observing the natural world around...

Editorial: Nov. 16

Editorial: Nov. 16

Abby Zwart
November 16, 2012

Thanksgiving break, in all its culinary, commercialistic, drowsy and familial goodness, is coming soon. Next week, in fact. You’re ready, aren’t you? It’s an oasis of a weekend before finals panic...

Calvin took out loans in order to build facilities like the CFAC.

Calvin plans for upcoming budget shortfall

Abby Zwart
November 2, 2012

Calvin is facing a 10 percent budget shortfall that must be accounted for in the next five years. Newly-inaugurated president Michael Le Roy learned the full details of the projected problem when he...

Editorial: Nov. 2

Editorial: Nov. 2

Abby Zwart
November 2, 2012

If you’ve had your ears open in the department lounges and professor offices of Calvin this week, you’ve probably heard some rumblings about the budget crisis. Local and denominational news sources...

Photo by Abby Zwart

Theatre company’s ‘Drood’ promises a different show every night

Abby Zwart
October 31, 2012

The Gezon auditorium, a uniquely shaped theater that has seen many interesting arrangements, has been transformed into a traditional proscenium theater in order to present Calvin Theatre Company’s...

Editorial: Oct. 26

Editorial: Oct. 26

Abby Zwart
October 26, 2012

The 2011 January Series hosted Krista Tippet, a noted radio broadcaster, journalist and author. Tippet most famously hosts the radio show “On Being,” produced by American Public Media and broadcast...

Editorial: Oct. 12

Editorial: Oct. 12

Abby Zwart
October 12, 2012

Do you love your department? Does returning there after a long bout of classes outside of your discipline make you feel like Odysseus coming home to Ithaca? Do the professors know you by name? If so, you,...

Editorial: October 5

Editorial: October 5

Abby Zwart
October 4, 2012

How many times have you sat down to write a paper and stared at the blank page for half an hour?  What was stopping you?  The fabled “writer’s block?”  A poor understanding of your topic or a...

Editorial: Sept. 28

Editorial: Sept. 28

Abby Zwart
September 28, 2012

You may have heard the rumor: the newspaper, the independent bookstore, the publishing industry and print media in general — they’re all dying. In a digital world where everyone and his mother can...

Editorial: September 21

Editorial: September 21

Abby Zwart
September 21, 2012

The art of the compliment. It’s an ancient and simple form of interpersonal communication and mutual good feeling. My recent ruminations and experiments with it were sparked by a conversation I had on...

Teachers march on protest in Chicago this week. Photo courtesy Wikimedia Commons user MisterJayEm.

Editorial: September 14

Abby Zwart
September 14, 2012

The teachers of the Chicago Teachers Union are on strike. The work stoppage began Monday after an all-night negotiation session during which the two sides failed to agree on a contract. As an education...

Chimes editor in chief Abby Zwart managed to snap this photo of the cunning and evanescent Moses before he disappeared.

Moses makes Chaos Day appearance

Abby Zwart
September 8, 2012

In the midst of all the Chaos Day action, the infamous and elusive Moses made his annual appearance. Moses, a large golden statue with a storied history at Calvin, has been the subject of countless...

Editorial: College education an opportunity

Editorial: College education an opportunity

Abby Zwart
September 6, 2012

Ah, the first week of school. Sharpened pencils, empty notebooks, unbent folders. New teachers, 4-page syllabi, 50 pages of reading for tomorrow. We’re back at it again, and you’ve probably already...

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