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Calvin University's official student newspaper since 1907

Calvin University Chimes

Since 1907
Calvin University's official student newspaper since 1907

Calvin University Chimes

Calvin University's official student newspaper since 1907

Calvin University Chimes

Grace Buller

Grace Buller, Managing Editor

Grace is a senior from Jenison, Michigan studying writing and Spanish. When not covering campus events, she enjoys writing fiction and poetry, and she hopes to work in journalism full-time after graduation. Like many of her colleagues, she is a proponent of the Oxford comma and is confused by its omission in AP standards.

All content by Grace Buller
Grand Rapids Christian High School, where many faculty send their children. Photo from GRCHS website.

Calvin ends financial assistance for professors who send children to Christian K-12 schools

Ethan Meyers and Grace Buller
March 4, 2025

On Feb. 20, Calvin faculty received an email from Andrew George, vice president of human resources, announcing benefit cuts as Calvin looks for savings in the academic division. The benefit cuts include...

President Trump signs an executive order during his first term

Calvin’s international community feels uncertainty amid recent executive orders

Grace Buller, Managing Editor
February 3, 2025

Since taking office on Jan. 20, President Donald Trump has signed over 45 executive orders, many of them pertaining to immigration and trade between the U.S. and other countries.  Trump’s executive...

University pastor Mary Hulst prays for President Elzinga at a chapel service before his inauguration

“The future is secure:” Elzinga inaugurated as Calvin’s 13th president

Ethan Meyers and Grace Buller
January 27, 2025

On Friday, Jan. 24, Greg Elzinga was officially inaugurated as Calvin’s 13th president, in a ceremony that emphasized the importance of prayer and of reconciliation.  Elzinga, who graduated from...

The celebration featured posters, artifacts, and items displaying more recent Jordanian culture. Photo from

Umm al-Jimal archaeological site added to UNESCO World Heritage List

Grace Buller and Elisabeth Stevens
December 9, 2024

On Nov. 18, Calvin celebrated the addition of the archaeological site in Umm al-Jimal, Jordan to the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) World Heritage List.  The...

Calvin’s academic departments asked to underspend budgets by 10%

Grace Buller, Managing Editor
November 18, 2024

Calvin has asked its academic departments to underspend their current budgets by 10% in an effort to balance the budget by fiscal year 2026.  Chief Financial Officer (CFO) Dirk Pruis presented the...

Many Americans, including Chimes' editor-in-chief, have already voted by mail-in ballot

2024 election: How are students feeling?

Ethan Meyers and Grace Buller
November 4, 2024

For most of the Calvin students who are U.S. citizens, the United States election taking place on Nov. 5 will be the first time they’ve been eligible to cast a ballot for president. With increased options...

The pastors met several times over the course of about a year to discuss pressing issues. Photo courtesy of Andy Peterson and Picturehouse Films.

Documentary explores questions of faith, conflict, and sexuality

Grace Buller, Managing Editor
September 30, 2024

The soon-to-be-released independent documentary Leap of Faith deals with a question that will likely be familiar to many members of the Calvin community: “whether we can disagree and still belong to...

Synod 2024 met this summer in Calvin's chapel.

Three Grand Rapids churches submit letters of disaffiliation to the CRCNA

Grace Buller, Managing Editor
September 21, 2024

On Thursday, Sept. 19, three churches submitted letters of disaffiliation to Classis Grand Rapids East – the first step in disaffiliation from the Christian Reformed Church in North America (CRCNA),...

Here’s what to know about Synod 2024

Here’s what to know about Synod 2024

Grace Buller and Nolan Cowan
September 9, 2024

This summer, delegates from across the country gathered in Calvin’s chapel for the Christian Reformed Church in North America (CRCNA)’s annual synod, where they discussed recommendations and made decisions...

The Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) underwent a redesign for the 2024-25 academic year. Screenshot by Ethan Meyers

Changes to FAFSA, Michigan budget cause financial aid package delays

Grace Buller, Managing Editor
July 16, 2024

Complications related to significant changes to the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) – as well as a new Michigan state budget – are the main factors delaying the rollout of financial...

Current construction projects include library renovations, School of Health renovations and the Outdoor Athletics Project.

Calvin building projects abound: where’s the money coming from?

Savannah Shustack and Grace Buller
December 4, 2023

As Calvin undertakes significant building projects soon after the university downsized, Chief Financial Officer Dirk Pruis clarifies that said projects are largely funded by donor gifts.  Calvin’s...

Calvin has a DIII ACHA team since 1973 and a DI team since 2017.

Calvin’s DI and DIII hockey teams: What’s the difference and who are they?

Dillion Baumchen and Grace Buller
November 13, 2023

Calvin University offers two different club hockey teams that compete in the American Collegiate Hockey Association (ACHA) at the Division I (DI) and Division III (DIII) levels respectively.  Calvin,...

Beyond the talking stage: Governance review enters implementation phase

Grace Buller and Ethan Meyers
November 13, 2023

After several months of task force meetings which included both faculty and administrators last year, recommendations from Calvin’s shared governance review process are now being implemented.  Calvin’s...

Steen and Mulder's research focused on the needs of formerly incarcerated CPI students re-entering society. Photo from Calvin News.

Calvin grad and professor publish study on re-entry services in West Michigan

Grace Buller, Managing Editor
November 13, 2023

This fall, recent Calvin grad Emily Steen and sociology professor Mark Mulder published a report on their study of re-entry services in West Michigan.  The study focused on students from the Calvin...

Mu Kappa, a student organization, offers MKs and other TCKs an opportunity to connect with each other. Photo courtesy of Mu Kappa.

Missionary and third culture kids speak on the in-between experience

Grace Buller, Managing Editor
October 31, 2023

“Where is home for you?” After being asked this question, Daniel Chae, seated in the Chimes office, laughed. “That’s the ultimate question,” he said. “Geographically, I would say my home is...

Disability support workers are not inherently more virtuous than other workers

Grace Buller, Managing Editor
October 23, 2023

As a disability support worker, I often receive comments like, “Wow, you’re such a good person,” or, “They’re very lucky to have you,” from people when they hear what I do for work. I generally...

Creation Care Summit held on Calvin’s campus

Creation Care Summit held on Calvin’s campus

Grace Buller, Managing Editor
October 7, 2023

This Saturday, BioLogos — an organization headed by former Calvin physics and astronomy professor Deborah Haarsma — held its first in-person Creation Care Summit at Calvin University’s Prince Conference...

What to know about COVID on campus this fall

Grace Buller, Managing Editor
October 2, 2023

As Calvin enters its third fall semester since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, here’s what you should know about illness on campus.  Masks and testing are not required for healthy individuals,...

Calvin Knights Cheer performed at the Sept. 30 football scrimmage. Photo courtesy of Abi VanDoorne.

Knights Cheer prepares for their inaugural season

Grace Buller, Managing Editor
October 2, 2023

On Sept. 30, as Calvin’s football team holds their first scrimmage, the Knights Cheer team — a new club sports program — will be there with their poms to help rally the crowd.  “We’re a sideline...

Lime scooters provide opportunities transportation and recreation, but can be a barrier if improperly parked.

Scooters offer transportation, but parking issues have caused challenges during rollout

Grace Buller, Managing Editor
September 18, 2023

This fall, Calvin has partnered with Lime to offer electric scooter rentals. However, the scooters have caused some difficulties as users make inappropriate parking choices.  According to JB Britton,...

Protesters gather outside Calvin University's chapel, where Synod 2023 met from June 9 to 15.

Synod deferred ruling on the gravamen process for Calvin faculty

Grace Buller, Managing Editor
September 12, 2023

This June, Christian Reformed Church of North America (CRCNA) — Calvin’s parent denomination — deferred ruling on academic exemptions for Calvin faculty who disagree with the official CRC stance...

What’s in a name?

Why some Calvin students use a name different from their legal one
Grace Buller, Campus Reporter
April 15, 2023

A name is more than a word. Names can embody and express aspects of a person’s identity and signal similarity or otherness. For some Calvin students, using a name other than their birth name helps them...

Arts Collective and Student Senate collaborate on Johnny’s Cave update

Arts Collective and Student Senate collaborate on Johnny’s Cave update

Grace Buller, Campus Reporter
March 28, 2023

Members of the Arts Collective (AC) began work on a mural — designed by senior Avery Andersen and funded by Student Senate — in Johnny’s Cave last Wednesday. Alyssa Pokharel, a freshman Student...

Cover from a 1910 souvenir booklet for the Theological
School and Calvin College, depicting the main building.

“Sibling institutions”: Understanding the relationship between Calvin University and Calvin Theological Seminary

Grace Buller, Campus Reporter
March 19, 2023

Calvin University and Calvin Theological Seminary have long been partners in education, sharing both spaces and faculty. As the institutions have evolved over time, they have increasingly separated; however,...

Calvin’s “Go Beyond” campaign launched last month.

To tell a better story: Calvin’s branding efforts up against negative internal culture

Abigail Ham and Grace Buller
March 12, 2023

A brand by definition is an abstract idea created by tangible elements. When Calvin rebranded as a university in 2019, the most obvious change was the tangible one: 82 signs around campus on which the...

SALT is one of many leadership teams and committees that play a role in
Calvin’s governance structure.

Governance review is more important than it sounds

Grace Buller, Campus Reporter
February 6, 2023

A task force composed of faculty, staff, administrators and a student representative have been tasked with reviewing the structure of governance at Calvin. Governance describes the structures and processes...

“Right now is the perfect time”: navigating the job search

Grace Buller, Campus Reporter
January 29, 2023

Looking to start job hunting? Chimes spoke with Courtney Banks-Tatum, director of the Career Center, for advice on navigating the job search process.  According to Banks-Tatum, graduating seniors should...

Streetfest was one of the programs run by the SLC. The center is now under the direction of the Global Campus.

Service-Learning Center moves into time of transition

Grace Buller, Campus Reporter
January 22, 2023

The Service-Learning Center (SLC) moved into a period of transition early this semester after former Director Andrew Haggerty stepped down. The center is now under the direction of the Global Campus. Students...

What to know about the Hope College data breach

Grace Buller, Campus Reporter
January 15, 2023

Some Calvin faculty and students may have been affected by a data breach at Hope College last fall. On Sept. 27, 2022, Hope College discovered potential, unauthorized access to files containing sensitive...

SPAUD program expanding to meet demand

Grace Buller, Campus Reporter
December 4, 2022

Calvin accepted the first cohort of students into its new online MA in speech pathology program last January.  The flexibility of the online program — which is designed to be completed in two or...

Eating is overly moralized

Grace Buller, Campus Reporter
November 13, 2022

Some influential ancient Greek philosophers, such as Plato, viewed the body as a prison for the soul. In order to attain true knowledge, they believed a person must detach themselves from the body and...

Preparations for new four-two credit system near completion

Grace Buller, Campus Reporter
November 6, 2022

Calvin is almost ready to transition to a four-two credit hours system next fall following 10 months of effort by faculty to prepare the new system. The transition is an effort to streamline use of teaching...

ALL IN will help to make voting-related information accessible for Calvin students, Witte said.

Preparing to vote: A guide to your Michigan midterm ballot

Grace Buller, Campus Reporter
November 2, 2022

On Nov. 8, Michigan will have its midterm election. Here's what students planning to vote can expect to see on their ballots. Issues on the ballot During midterm elections, Michigan voters elect...

Students experienced Oviedo in past years with Calvin’s semester in Spain program.

Spanish students to go abroad with Trinity Christian College

Grace Buller, Campus Reporter
October 23, 2022

This spring, students participating in the semester in Spain program will be joining the Spanish program from Trinity Christian College on a trip to Sevilla, a town in Spain 12 hours south of the Calvin...

VanWingerden is part of Neland Avenue's Anti-Racism Team. She has previously worked in counseling and as a copy-editor for the publishing arm of the CRC.

New coordinator for student support and sexuality programming hired after long search

Grace Buller, Campus Reporter
October 16, 2022

Calvin has hired a new coordinator for student success and sexuality programming, alumna Jodi VanWingerden, after a nine-month search. Previous coordinator Kelsey Colburn resigned in December 2021, citing...

CPI graduates work to improve conditions in correctional facilities

CPI graduates work to improve conditions in correctional facilities

Grace Buller, Staff Reporter
September 26, 2022

Federal funding for educational opportunities for incarcerated people has enabled Calvin’s Prison Initiative to grow, and CPI staff hope further increases may be on their way. As CPI and similar programs...

With no COVID restrictions, campus navigates new normal

With no COVID restrictions, campus navigates new normal

Grace Buller, Campus Reporter
September 19, 2022

For the first time since March 2020, Calvin students have returned to campus without any major COVID-related restrictions; however, COVID-related considerations continue to affect campus life.  Most...

Keystone, the company Calvin is now partnering with, has been working on projects at the university for the last few years.

Poor service quality prompts switch to new facilities partner

Grace Buller, Campus Reporter
September 11, 2022

Calvin has opted to partner with a new company, Keystone Construction, a local facilities management company, after a year of frustrations with the previous company, National Management Resource Company.  The...

Update to Workday contributes to rise in cost of parking permits

Update to Workday contributes to rise in cost of parking permits

Grace Buller, Campus Reporter
September 4, 2022

The price of parking permits has increased 13% since last year, from $195 during the 2021-2022 academic year to $220 for 2022-2023.  According to William Corner, director of Campus Safety, the rise...

Some students cite openness to questions and doubt as helpful during their crises of faith

Grace Buller, Guest Writer
April 23, 2022

About two-thirds of people who grew up attending church leave for a year or more as young adults, research shows. While not all those who doubt the Christian faith leave the church, and not all who leave...

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