Calvin should grandfather students into their entry tuition price

Every year,students see the cost of tuition rise. It’s not by relatively huge amounts, but for the students and parents who are paying, $1,500 can still be significant. With the rising cost of higher education, many universities have decided to freeze tuition. Liberty University, Purdue University, Grand Canyon University, College of William and Mary and Southern New Hampshire University are examples among many, many others. Some of these schools have frozen tuition due to the economic strain imposed on students by the coronavirus, but others have simply realized that tuition freezing is good for both students and the school, as a tuition freeze can be a big selling point to potential students. 

While freezing tuition might not be the best option for Calvin, one possible option might be to grandfather students into tuition. Every few years, Calvin increases the amount students receive in scholarships. This is to offset the annual tuition increases.. Despite tuition increasing every year, the scholarships of current students do not increase. Although they do have the opportunity to get more private Calvin scholarships, many are not fortunate enough to receive any, and if they do, all it really does is offset the increase of tuition, and students must pay the same amount as the year before. Once a student begins attending a university, leaving is often the last thing they want to do. But due to increases in tuition every year, students are forced to make increasingly more difficult decisions about how they are going to pay, if they even can. 

Grandfathering tuition would allow the administration to continue to increase prices, but only for incoming classes. A $1,500 increase might only apply to incoming freshmen but is announced and known before they commit. Calvin would still have the opportunity to increase tuition without current students needing to scramble to figure out how to pay for the increase. This grandfathering might sound unfair or unequal, but I believe properly done, it is the fairest policy. I began my journey at Calvin expecting to pay X every year. The incoming freshmen will begin their journey expecting to pay Y every year. Let me pay X and let them pay Y, or be honest and let students know before committing that they will have to pay a tuition increase every year. It is only fair.