GR welcomes college students back with College Week

Graphic by Yolanda Chow
College students from the West Michigan area are being welcomed back to school by the city of Grand Rapids. September 10-16 is considered GR College Week this year. Students can enjoy a variety of discounts around the city as well as fun events throughout the day.
One event is the Artprize Kickoff Party hosted by the B.O.B. from 6-9 pm on September 16. This will include a night of live music, hors d’oeuvres, and dancing.
A more academic-based opportunity for students is GR Connect. This event, hosted by Grand Valley State University, will allow students to network with local businesses.
If you want to end your week with a good laugh or you don’t have a way to get to the other events, Calvin is hosting a comedy night here on campus. Preacher Lawson, a previous America’s Got Talent finalist, will be entertaining students and other guests in our very own CFAC.
Along with engaging events come sweet discounts – because what college student would turn down a good sale or free stuff?
The Rapid and admission to the GRAM will be free with a student ID all week. Pho616 will be granting a 10% discount to all with a student ID. Visit the Downtown Market and head over to Slow’s Bar-B-Q for 15% off of your purchase.
If this week has been stressful and you need to unwind and do some self-care, enjoy a free yoga class at AM Yoga, located on 4th St.
You can visit to see a full listing of the events and discounts. Be sure to check it out and make the short trip into the beautiful and opportunistic city that is Grand Rapids with your peers from Calvin and beyond.