School Knights, a weekly video series showcasing student life on Calvin's campus for highschool juniors and seniors who may be considering coming to Calvin, was started by two students during the height...
Due to major delays in visa processing in their home countries, more than 20 international students were unable to start classes with their peers at Calvin this fall.
The admissions office is currently...
This year’s recruitment cycle saw a record number of applicants and a growing first-year class for the first time in eight years. But the future is anything but certain. Members of the enrollment division...
After seven years of declining enrollment, the admissions division is on track to meet and exceed its goals for the 2021 cycle, according to numbers from a February report to the Board of Trustees.
More than 1,000 students are enrolled in Calvin’s class of 2017 --- the highest numbers since 2007 --- despite news of the college’s recent financial difficulties and prioritization process, a recent...
After enduring several years of smaller freshmen classes, the 2012 class has been a positive sign for Calvin officials on multiple fronts.
This year’s freshmen and transfer class totals 1,085 students,...