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Calvin University's official student newspaper since 1907

Calvin University Chimes

Since 1907
Calvin University's official student newspaper since 1907

Calvin University Chimes

Calvin University's official student newspaper since 1907

Calvin University Chimes

All content by Kate Parsons
Long road home: Two refugee students’ stories

Long road home: Two refugee students’ stories

Kate Parsons
May 14, 2015

Refugees face persecution simply because of who they are or what they believe. In order to save their lives, they have had to flee their home country, leaving everything they know behind. The...

Photo by Matt Lesky.

Editorial: All I learned at Calvin, I learned at Chimes

Kate Parsons
May 13, 2015

All I learned at Calvin, I learned at Chimes. Of course that’s not true. But Chimes was the place where learning became action and where theory became practice. After four years, 75+ articles, countless...

Photo by Kendra Kamp

Sufjan Stevens returns to Calvin College for sold-out show

Kate Parsons
April 30, 2015

“It’s good to be back in the mother country,” Michigan native Sufjan Stevens quipped in the CFAC last Tuesday, performing at Calvin for the first time since 2007. The Hope graduate shared with...

Imam of Grand Rapids’ oldest mosque seeks interfaith understanding

Kate Parsons
April 29, 2015

As you enter the Islamic Center of West Michigan, a paper sign instructs you to remove your shoes and silence your cell phones. After hours, the building is quiet and solemn. The imam, or religious...

Photo courtesy

Calvin recognized as a Partner for a Racism-Free Community

Kate Parsons
April 23, 2015

Last month, Calvin was accredited as a Level 2 partner with Partners for a Racism-Free Community (PRFC), a local organization that certifies the equity and inclusiveness of workplaces. Level 2 is the...

Editorial: A tragically familiar story

Kate Parsons
April 16, 2015

_____, an unarmed black man, was shot and killed last week by _____, a white officer. This was the headline last week when police officer Michael Slager shot Walter Scott eight times in the back. It...

An interview with Bing Goei, Director of the Michigan Office for New Americans

Kate Parsons
April 10, 2015

“We believe that when Michigan welcomes immigrants, Michigan thrives,” reads Welcoming, a publication of the Michigan Office for New Americans (MONA). This new office, which Governor...

Opinion: Stop waiting for ‘real life’ to start

Kate Parsons
March 26, 2015

Sometimes I wonder why I bring reusable bags to Meijer, why I bike to work, recycle cans or turn the shower off while I shampoo my hair. In the face of corporations that inhale fossil fuels, belch out...

Photo courtesy calvin facebook page

Sarah Visser announced as next vice president of student life

Kate Parsons
March 10, 2015

When she was a student at Calvin 15 years ago, working in student life was what made Sarah Visser feel most alive. She had no idea that her experiences in residence life and on orientation board would...

Photo collage by Anna Delph. Photos courtesy

Student Life approves method to eliminate student orgs

Kate Parsons
March 6, 2015

Last week Thursday, Calvin’s Student Life Committee unanimously approved a proposal to cut the number of student organizations from 84 to 65. The proposal introduced a new system, called a matrix,...

Photo courtesy The Micah Center

Micah Center hosts panel on racial disparities in infant mortality

Kate Parsons
March 5, 2015

“Our babies are dying,” read the handouts at the Micah Center’s latest panel discussion on the racial disparity in infant mortality in Grand Rapids. Grand Rapids has one of the highest infant...

Photo courtesy

On-campus living requirement can be a barrier to students

Kate Parsons
March 5, 2015

At a rate of $9,485 per year, Calvin’s room and board costs much more than it would cost to rent a local apartment and buy groceries from a local store. But administrators say this is the wrong way to...

The sidewalk by 36th St. has not been cleared all winter. Photo by Kate Parsons.

Opinion: Icy sidewalks are a justice issue

Kate Parsons
February 20, 2015

Every time it snows, my heart sinks. All summer and fall, I biked everywhere, taking buses when the route was too far. Now roads buried under snow and ice make biking almost impossible, and buses are...

Grand Rapids resettles first Syrian refugee family

Kate Parsons
February 20, 2015

By late 2014, nearly 9.5 million Syrians, 40 percent of the country’s population, had been displaced from their homes by ongoing violence and conflict in the region. “It’s one of the toughest...

Photo by Jona Eigege

Low student turnout at core town hall

Kate Parsons
February 20, 2015

This past Wednesday, student senate hosted a town hall for students to ask questions about potential changes to core. Around two dozen students showed up to listen to a presentation given by members of...

29.2 percent of Calvin's faculty were part time as of fall 2016; Photo courtesy

Calvin Rebranding will change logos, wording, signs

Kate Parsons
February 13, 2015

This spring, Calvin looks to redefine their brand for a new decade, taking into account student and faculty perspectives to better represent Calvin’s values through marketing tools. “We have a master...

Opinion: Choose contentment over happiness

Kate Parsons
February 13, 2015

The other day, in a moment of pause between assignments and conversations and responsibilities, a question popped into my head as perhaps it has popped into yours: “Am I happy?” I was struck. I...

Photo by Kayla Vandenbosch

Peace Corps Director opens up on faith, development and changes in the Peace Corps

Kate Parsons
February 12, 2015

The director of the Peace Corps, the United States government’s international volunteer program, spoke last week to students and guests gathered for Calvin’s Faith and International Development Conference. Carrie...

Photo courtesy

Faculty prepare to vote on new models for core

Kate Parsons
February 12, 2015

After 15 years of the current core and nearly two years of discussions around core revision, three new core proposals, one of which is to retain the current core, will be brought to the faculty this May....

Committee members and volunteers prepare for the 2015 conference. Photo by Abby Paternoster.

Faith and International Development Conference celebrates 10 years

Kate Parsons
February 6, 2015

“What began as a seemingly impossible idea by a Calvin senior is now days away from becoming a reality,” Chimes staff writer Nana Yaa Dodi wrote in 2006, the weekend of Calvin’s first Faith and International...

Photo by Moon Jung

Student-planned conference attracts world development experts

Kate Parsons
January 22, 2015

In a small room tucked in the back of North Hall, sophomore Emily Lawson and junior Gabe LePage stand in front of a whiteboard filled with notes, schedules and to-do lists. As the co-directors of this...

Photo courtesy

Students concerned about anonymity in student evaluations

Kate Parsons
January 22, 2015

At the end of each semester, professors hand out paper evaluation forms and leave the room while students pencil in bubbles, ranking professors for their organization, approachability and rigor. While...

Photo by Anna Delph.

Kent County Program seeks volunteers to shovel pathways

Kate Parsons
January 15, 2015

A group of people wait in the cold for the bus to arrive. When it does pull up, they push through snow banks to reach the door, feet sinking into snow up to their shins. Winter in Kent County brings...

Sustainability Coordinator Emily Cole speaks during the Kill-a-Watt kick-off event. Photo by Rick Treur.

Kill-a-Watt encourages students to focus on sustainability

Kate Parsons
January 15, 2015

Students across campus are shutting off their lights, unplugging their room fridges and turning down meat in the dining halls. Events and Bible studies promote sustainable living, and even staff and professors...

Photo by Anna Delph

Threatening letter prompts GRPD, FBI involvement

Kate Parsons
January 15, 2015

A threatening letter containing an unidentified powdery substance, which the letter claimed to be anthrax, prompted the evacuation of the Mail and Printing Services building Wednesday morning. When notified,...

Photo by Kai Koopman

KE apartments partner with refugee resettlement

Kate Parsons
December 4, 2014

Last week, a group of 15 Calvin students came together to help move furniture into an apartment for a Bhutanese refugee family that had just arrived in the United States from Nepal. The service project...

Photo courtesy Kyle Luck

Student event discourages consumerism

Kate Parsons
November 20, 2014

Senior Kyle Luck doesn’t want you to buy anything this Christmas. Instead, this Friday, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., he and a group of friends will do something that runs contrary to the consumeristic season...

Photo courtesy Calvin College Media Production

Student video series to continue despite complaint

Kate Parsons
November 6, 2014

Last week, students in CAS 250, a film directing and editing class, posted “Calvin College News” online. Written, directed by and starring Calvin students, the satirical video received over a thousand...

Opinion: Calvin should define expectations for ‘leaders’

Opinion: Calvin should define expectations for ‘leaders’

Kate Parsons
November 6, 2014

At Calvin College, the word “leader” is applied to any student in a position related to residence life and anyone who heads a student org, but there is little room in this definition for students who...

Photo courtesy

Four new members join board of trustees at recent meeting

Kate Parsons
October 30, 2014

Last weekend’s Board of Trustees meeting welcomed four new board members: Pedro Aviles of Berwyn, Illinois; William J. Boer of Grand Rapids, Michigan; David Cok of Rochester, New York and Ray VanderKooi...

Practice Silence

Practice Silence

Kate Parsons
October 23, 2014

Put down your phone. Put down the books. Go into your room and face the terrifying prospect of your own company. Ask yourself what you’re thinking about. Require yourself to answer. We are altogether...

Photo by Katelyn Bosch

Student life looks to streamline student organizations

Kate Parsons
October 23, 2014

At a recent meeting for student organization leaders, John “JB” Britton, associate dean of campus involvement and leadership, announced plans to cut the number of student organizations, asking current...

Photo by Connor Schmidt

Calvin students stand in solidarity with Hong Kong protesters

Kate Parsons
September 30, 2014

Over 100 Calvin students have signed a petition in solidarity with Hong Kong protesters, and like the movement they support, their numbers are growing. Last month, China announced that Hong Kong would...

Opinion: Why I Won’t “Smile, Baby”

Opinion: Why I Won’t “Smile, Baby”

Kate Parsons
September 25, 2014

 It was another summer day walking home from my internship. I was sweating in my slacks and long-sleeved shirt, and the work-appropriate flats were decidedly less appropriate for the half-mile hike to...

Opinion: Calvin’s Problem with Dating

Opinion: Calvin’s Problem with Dating

Kate Parsons
September 19, 2014

If you ask someone how many people they’ve dated at Calvin, many will answer with how many boyfriends or girlfriends they’ve had altogether. We seem to jump all at once here from friendship into deep...

Photo by Matt Lesky

Student senate appoints four new senators

Kate Parsons
September 18, 2014

On Friday, after two sets of interviews and hours of deliberation, student senate appointed four first-year students to serve as student senators for the year. Anaiah Zainea, Devin Auld, Mallika David,...

Opinion: ‘Ice Bucket Challenge’ prompts giving – and that’s a good thing

Opinion: ‘Ice Bucket Challenge’ prompts giving – and that’s a good thing

Kate Parsons
September 11, 2014

I’ll admit: I rolled my eyes when the barrage of videos hit my Facebook feed. It seemed like so-called ‘slacktivism’ at its finest: something to be ‘liked’ and ‘shared’ and forgotten almost...

Photo courtesy

Calvin loses intercessor, friend

Kate Parsons
September 11, 2014

This summer, after six years of heart problems, Calvin alum and friend Stephen Okeyo passed away at the age of 26. Okeyo, who graduated from Calvin last May, survived seven major surgeries, including a...

Opinion: You Can’t Do it All (but you can do something)

Opinion: You Can’t Do it All (but you can do something)

Kate Parsons
September 9, 2014

Three years ago this week, I was an incoming first year student, and I was going to do it all. There was always something else I could add to my schedule, crammed between the full course load, two or three...


Calvin pays down $13 million in debt

Kate Parsons
September 4, 2014

As a part of a broader plan to reduce its current operating deficit and outstanding debt, Calvin College paid down $13 million this August. In addition to reducing long-term debt, this payment will also...

You can’t do it all (and that’s okay)

Kate Parsons
August 28, 2014

Three years ago this week, I was an incoming freshman, and I was going to do it all. There was always something else I could add to my schedule, crammed between the full course load, two or three jobs,...

Record-breaking Michigan winter destroys roads but leaves crops mostly unaffected

Kate Parsons
May 8, 2014

It may not surprise Michiganders to learn that this winter was one of the coldest ever recorded for the region, with the year’s average temperature showing a record-breaking drop from the historical...

file photo

Forum Continues “We Are Calvin [too]” Campaign

Kate Parsons
April 30, 2014

On Tuesday, members of the We Are Calvin [too] movement hosted a panel discussion to continue the conversation about race at Calvin. Local pastor Razel Jones, manager of diversity and inclusion programs...

File Photo

Prospective executive teams begin their campaigns

Kate Parsons
April 10, 2014

Two executive teams will campaign for student body president and executive vice president starting midnight on Thursday. Elections will open to the student body on April 17. “At the executive level,...

Photo courtesy student senate

President Le Roy addresses student questions on core, prioritization

Kate Parsons
April 3, 2014

Students asked hard-hitting questions about Calvin’s future at Wednesday night’s town hall meeting with President Michael Le Roy. Taking questions from both Twitter and the audience, President Le Roy...

Photo courtesy

Opinion: Food is never free

Kate Parsons
March 20, 2014

Sometimes people try to shuffle past me, eyes downcast. Sometimes they mutter something in response to my “have a nice day.” Other times they take off running before I can finish an “excuse me.”...

Photo by Kate Parsons

Bosnian-Americans a fixture of Calvin dining halls

Kate Parsons
March 20, 2014

Sebiha has already been up for three hours, but she still greets every student filing into the dining hall with a cheery “Happy Friday!” as she swipes their ID cards. Most smile back. “I don’t...

Photo by Rudi Koornneef

Reflecting on the Justice Studies in Honduras semester

Kate Parsons
March 12, 2014

Deep in the mountains of rural Honduras, where there were more coffee plants and wandering cows than people, our bus sputtered and stopped. Its wheels spun helplessly, burying us deeper into the muddy...

File Photo

Feature: Meet the Provost

Kate Parsons
March 5, 2014

 If you’re like many students, you may wonder why it took 157 nominations, 28 applicants and over a year of searching for the provost search committee to recommend Cheryl Brandsen, currently the academic...

Photo courtesy

Faith and International Development Conference offers free nonviolence training

Kate Parsons
January 29, 2014

This year’s Faith and International Development Conference (FIDC) includes something different in addition to the usual panel of speakers and workshops. On Feb. 8, Christian Peacemaker Teams and the...

Author and educator Nicole Baker Fulgham to speak on education

Kate Parsons
January 13, 2014

"Only 1 out of 14 children from a low-income community will ever graduate college," reads a quote from The Expectations Project's website. "Let's change that." Tomorrow at the January Series, Nicole...

Christian jargon can be a barrier

Kate Parsons
October 17, 2013

“Church” translated into Spanish is “iglesia,” a delicate word that makes me think of stained-glass windows. I can’t always translate everything, but when I’m at a service or mass here, at...

Consumer responses can change factory conditions in Honduras

Kate Parsons
October 4, 2013

“The Israelites went seven times around Jericho, and that was after they felt defeated,” one woman said. “We think maybe this time we’re on our sixth turn.” We sat in a small, hot office listening...

Photo by Kate Parsons.

MGMT concert shatters stereotypes

Kate Parsons
May 7, 2013

MGMT played a sold-out concert in the Hoogenboom Monday night, shattering stereotypes of what constitutes a “typical Calvin concert.” “When I think of a typical Calvin concert, I think guitars and...

Photo by Ryan Struyk

Student governance representatives honored

Kate Parsons
May 6, 2013

After the first year of a new approach to student governance, the governance committee at Calvin honored all student representatives with an end-of-the-year banquet. Provost Claudia Beversluis commended...

Photo by Anna Delph.

Students plan and perform sold-out Dance Guild show

Kate Parsons
April 27, 2013

For junior Maria-Renee Plona, this weekend was not just another performance – it was the culmination of an entire semester of work. “Hours and hours of our hard work, heart and soul went into planning...

Calvin introduces new major and minor in accounting

Kate Parsons
April 10, 2013

Calvin is expanding its accounting program to include a minor for the first time, as well as a third major, Bachelor of Science in Global Management Accounting (BSGMA), after a faculty senate vote Monday...

Photo by Abby Zwart

Senate responds to objections over new picnic tables

Kate Parsons
April 3, 2013

The purchase and installation of three picnic tables by Calvin’s student senate has sparked online debates, a petition and a prank moving the tables to the center of commons lawn. However,...

Photo courtesy

Calvin placed on Presidential Honor Roll for Service-Learning

Kate Parsons
March 27, 2013

Last year, 2,200 Calvin students contributed more than 55,000 hours of community service to the Calvin community. This participation, as well as a high emphasis on service-learning throughout Calvin’s...

Photo courtesy Chantelle Yazzie.

‘Black and Yellow’ wins Airband for second year in a row

Kate Parsons
February 17, 2013

For the second year in a row, power groups Black and Yellow and 4pm took home the first and second prizes at Calvin College’s Airband competition. Newcomers MTB (Move the Body) took third place, and...

Photo by Moon Jung.

Conference helps students “break out of their bubble”

Kate Parsons
February 3, 2013

“I feel like at these liberal arts schools we can be so closed-minded,” said Lindsay Stork, a senior at Bethel College in Indiana. “We get into this ‘Bethel bubble’ or ‘Calvin bubble’ and...

A speaker from last year's series addresses a crowd in the CFAC. Photo courtesy Calvin College.

January Series kicks off 26th year

Kate Parsons
January 3, 2013

Jeremy Courtney began Calvin's 26th annual January Series this morning, starting off the set of free lectures on various topics that Calvin provides for students and the community. Courtney's message...

Photo by Ryan Struyk

Fun. plays Calvin’s biggest concert to date

Kate Parsons
November 15, 2012

Two months ago, more than 800 students waited as long as seven hours to get tickets for Fun.’s concert at Calvin. And Wednesday night, those same students cheered and danced on the open floor of the...

Photo by Kate Parsons

Janka Nabay introduces students to an interactive concert

Kate Parsons
November 4, 2012

“This music is 500 years old,” said Janka Nabay, formerly of Sierra Leone. “But nobody plays this music on electric instruments!” Janka Nabay and the Bubu Gang played to close Africa week, throughout...

Joel Altena and Steven Mulder won the fastest boat competition. Photo courtesy Joel Altena.

Eight teams race cardboard canoes in sem pond

Kate Parsons
October 20, 2012

“Today is not a day you want to get wet,” said Calvin parent Rachel Kosters, looking out at the seminary pond on an overcast, 50-degree day. Despite the cold, she and her daughter, senior Chloe...

Photo by Kate Parsons

Late Night with Capella showcases Calvin talent

Kate Parsons
October 6, 2012

Most choral concerts don’t include Justin Bieber covers. Late Night with Capella wasn’t a typical choral concert. “Late Night with Capella is a completely student-led, student-run, and student-directed...

Photo by Ryan Struyk

Band brings new type of worship to Calvin

Kate Parsons
September 29, 2012

“We’re going to be singing about death,” opened David Gungor, lead singer for The Brilliance. The audience laughed nervously. But as the strings swelled and piano filled the auditorium, the audience...

Photo Caption (Left to Right): First-place winners Will Noyes, Manebu Taketani, Baxter, Atticus Getz, and Tom Bouwkamp pose with their display. Photo by Kate Parsons

English department kicks off year with scavenger hunt

Kate Parsons
September 17, 2012

What do engraved chopsticks, living algae, and a stuffed giraffe have in common? All were objects to be found at the English department’s recent dinner and scavenger hunt. English majors, minors...

“What will you do with this privilege?” asked Chaplain Mary Hulst, reminding students of a college education. Photo by Rick Truer

Le Roy speaks to begin academic year

Kate Parsons
September 6, 2012

“I am so eager to get started,” began Calvin’s newly-selected president, Michael Le Roy, in his address for convocation. On Tuesday, students, faculty and alumni of Calvin College gathered for...

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