Calvin’s current scholarships system doesn’t sufficiently reward student improvement. It’s counterintuitive that the current system cares more about high school performance than collegiate performance.
On Tuesday, March 10, Michigan voters will be able to vote in the democratic primary. As Calvin Democrats is a student organization committed to promoting participation in democracy, we would like to let...
Are you upset with our current political state? Are you content with it? Are you sick of polarization in politics? Do you love it? Then you should vote!
Holding political opinions and not exercising...
A spectre is haunting Calvin — the spectre of Commons. All the powers of Knollcrest have entered into a Holy Alliance to exorcise this spectre. It is high time that Commons-goers should openly, in the...
It was six o’clock and I was studying in the library when my stomach started to rumble. I panicked; I’m not very good at making choices. As I was deciding between Knollcrest and Commons the choice...
Have you ever had a gun in your face? Has the gun been held by someone who is called to serve and protect? I have and I survived. When the police were falsely called on me and my brother, they chuckled...
The NBA prides itself on being the most “woke” professional sports league in the U.S. yet decided to support a foreign authoritarian state in China last week. Daryl Morey, the general manager of the...
Garrett Strpko, Arts & Entertainment Editor October 11, 2019
Last week, Governor Gretchen Whitmer miscalculated by making 147 line-item vetoes to the new budgets sent to her from state legislature. However, rather than appearing tough, the governor now looks heavy-handed,...
Line 5, the controversial Enbridge pipeline carrying oil and gas from western Canada to eastern Canada via the Great Lakes through the straits of Mackinac, has become a topic of discussion again with many...