Intramurals offer new activities, ditches contact sports for fall
Photo courtesy of Calvin Intramural Facebook Page
Students, during simpler times, enjoying games of spike ball on the lawn.
This year Intramurals at Calvin have a very new look due to COVID-19. Some sports have been retained but most have been replaced with an alternative outdoor sport.
Currently, Calvin Intramurals will have spike ball, 4v4 volleyball, badminton, pickleball, and a wiffle ball tournament. All contact sports have been terminated, including soccer, basketball, and floor hockey.
Spike ball will take place on Mondays outside and all students participating will be required to wear a mask as during the game participants are in close proximity to each other. 4v4 volleyball will take place in the Hoogenboom on Mondays through Thursdays. The gym’s maximum capacity is 32 people, so there will be no spectators allowed for the matches.
There will be a wiffle ball tournament on Wednesdays, where dorms will compete against each other as they each individually have a sign up placed in their lobby. If there is enough interest, off campus teams will be able to form. In addition, badminton will take place on Tuesdays from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m., and pickle ball on Thursdays from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m., both in the Hoogenboom.
Although intramurals this year look quite different, there are still several ways for students to safely interact with each other, and hopefully more sports will start to become available.
Initially, there were plans for kickball games on Mondays but there were not enough sign ups so this idea has been shelved for now according to student supervisor, Grace Steenwyk.
In order to sign up, students should go to Steenwyk emphasized that “our main goal is to provide COVID-safe ways to get people involved on campus,” so despite all the studying and homework, there are still some leisure and communal activities available through intramurals.