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Calvin University's official student newspaper since 1907

Calvin University Chimes

Since 1907
Calvin University's official student newspaper since 1907

Calvin University Chimes

Calvin University's official student newspaper since 1907

Calvin University Chimes

All content by In Young Park

Campus celebrates Christmas with tree lighting

In Young Park, Guest Writer
December 8, 2017

More than 100 of Calvin’s students, staff and faculty waited in anticipation at the commons lawn to see the annual lighting of Calvin’s Christmas tree on Sunday night. “It’s fun to see everybody...

Part of the MCACA grant will be used to fund CTC’s production of “The Arabian Nights,” opening on Friday, Nov. 3. Photo courtesy Calvin Theater Company.

CTC receives $19,500 grant

In Young Park, Guest Writer
October 27, 2017

Calvin Theater Company (CTC) recently received a grant of $19,500 from Michigan Council for Arts and Cultural Affairs (MCACA). Calvin’s application was one of 575 to compete for 2017 MCACA funding....

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