Calvin Crushes: an online space for compliments, romance

Photo courtesy of Calvin Crushes
The elusive Calvin Crushes agreed to do an exclusive interview for the first time ever with Chimes. While the page’s administrator wishes to remain anonymous, they shared some insight about the popular Calvin page. The Facebook page at this time has 2,368 friends added. Students use it to anonymously submit compliments or love notes to their crushes on campus.
Calvin Crushes currently holds no relationship to Calvin Matchmaker, another Facebook page popular among students. However, the Crushes administrator expressed, “Due to the required anonymity regarding our positions in life, I can only hope to one day meet the founder of Calvin Matchmaker and in the meantime admire them from afar. It is our lot in life, I suppose: a forbidden love.”

Calvin Crushes shared that while many students submit crushes, it is not strictly romantic; students also submit compliments and words of encouragement.
The page administrator added, “Calvin Crushes was established with the intent of being a platform for encouraging notes to fellow students, romantic or otherwise.”
While the administrator does not know of any relationships that have sparked as a result of the crush submissions, they added that they would love to hear stories of relationships that have occurred as a result of submissions to the page.
Calvin Crushes was established “about four years ago,” so it is possible the administrator of the page is a senior, but because of their anonymity, Chimes cannot confirm this.
Regarding the future of the page, the administrator of Calvin Crushes said that they do not yet know who they will pass the page onto, but in the meantime, they enjoy facilitating the page. It is not known whether Calvin Crushes will accept applications in search of a new admin in the event that the current one graduates.
Those interested can find the page on Facebook by searching “Calvin Crushes.”