Grand Rapids Downtown Market offers yoga classes
The Grand Rapids Downtown Market is hosting yoga classes Mondays and Wednesdays from 6:00 p.m. to 7:15 p.m. and Saturdays from 9:00 a.m. to 10:15 a.m. for Grand Rapidians of all skill levels who want to keep in shape and relax.
“With our living greenhouse and second floor banquet spaces overlooking downtown, the market offers a unique experience for yogis of all levels,” said Shannon Sadoski, the education manager at the market.
Sadoski worked with Michele Fife, Wood TV wellness expert and founder of Seva Yoga, an East Grand Rapids yoga studio and instructor training facility, to organize the classes, which cost $12 for drop-ins and $10 for those who register in advance.
According to Sadoski, all the yoga instructors at the market were trained at Seva Yoga and share a passion for the Grand Rapids community. This passion for community, Sadoski says, paired with a desire to promote healthy lifestyles, is what inspired them to start the program.
And Sadoski believes it is a goal that fits well with the mission of the market.
“The market is a community space, which is meant to create the perfect balance between good food, good people and good energy,” she explained.
While class sizes vary, most yoga classes draw between five and 15 people. However, the program is still relatively new and Sadoski says its numbers are growing.
The market is also hoping to expand its offerings to include more fitness-focused classes and activities in the future. There are already plans underway for the market to host its first five-kilometer run this spring.
And the market’s offerings include more than just fitness-focused activities.
“We host a variety of hands-on and demonstration culinary classes, greenhouse classes and will soon introduce creative classes, such as photography,” Sadoski said, “we’re always open to suggestions from community members as well.”
In the meantime, Sadoski is excited about the yoga program and its potential: “Our style of yoga gives the studio feel in a welcoming environment for all levels. … Our beautiful space and convenient location will de-stress even the busiest student.”