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Calvin University's official student newspaper since 1907

Calvin University Chimes

Since 1907
Calvin University's official student newspaper since 1907

Calvin University Chimes

Calvin University's official student newspaper since 1907

Calvin University Chimes

Sabbath is a great chance to practice restful and enjoyable hobbies, like skateboarding

Commanded to rest

Ashley Hamons, General Assignment Editor
October 14, 2024

The fourth of the Ten Commandments — Sabbathing — is a well-known Biblical command, but not a well-practiced one. In the midst of Calvin’s busy Western lifestyle, how can we obey the Exodus 20:8...

Taize chapels offer rest and reflection

Josh Parks
March 5, 2015

“Please Enter Quietly” signs will grace the lobby of Calvin’s chapel on Thursdays in March as chapel services feature worship in the Taize style, led by Calvin professors Stephanie Sandberg and Karen...

Practice Silence

Practice Silence

Kate Parsons
October 23, 2014

Put down your phone. Put down the books. Go into your room and face the terrifying prospect of your own company. Ask yourself what you’re thinking about. Require yourself to answer. We are altogether...

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