Pastor Mary Hulst has been Calvin’s campus pastor for the past fifteen years. During her tenure as campus pastor, she has seen Calvin’s perspectives and priorities change under three presidents. Lauren...
“There is much about preaching that is mysterious. And there is much about it that is incredibly practical. This book focuses on the latter.”
Chaplain Mary Hulst’s book “A Little Handbook for...
Beloved college chaplain Mary Hulst, known commonly as Pastor Mary, is very visible all around campus — talking to students, attending meetings, going to sports events and, most importantly, preaching...
While thousands of on-campus students were reading Tolkien, developing Christian minds or bowling, one group of Calvin students, staff and faculty spent their Interim learning in two African countries,...
The familiar weekly chapel pattern is on hiatus this Interim as campus ministries presents a three-week series called “By Faith.” The series focuses both on the faith of biblical figures recorded in...
Campus Ministries is kicking off the 5th annual campus-wide Bible study. This year, the campus will study the book of James.
Chaplain Mary Hulst is excited for the challenge that James presents students.
Students and faculty gathered for a time of worship and testimony in the Covenant Fine Arts Center on Wednesday morning to regroup and celebrate the beginning of second semester.
“[Regathering] is a...
Two weeks ago in Sunday LOFT, Pastor Mary offered students a sermon on Christian sexual ethics. Last week, the Chimes ran an article labeling this sermon “problematic” and claiming it defended “the...