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Calvin University's official student newspaper since 1907

Calvin University Chimes

Since 1907
Calvin University's official student newspaper since 1907

Calvin University Chimes

Calvin University's official student newspaper since 1907

Calvin University Chimes

One year of suffering and the silence of the American church

Kate Witvliet, Guest Writer
October 14, 2024

Last week marked one year since Oct. 7, 2023. One year since Hamas’s brutal attack on Israel. One year of a devastating war on Gaza, an increasingly dire humanitarian crisis. One year of record-breaking...

Opinion: Why we should care about the 2015 Israeli Election

Ainsley Goh
April 15, 2015

You may or may not have read about the 2015 Israel election over the past three weeks. If you have, then you might have also read about how the Israeli-Palestinian conflict weaved into the elections. If...

Opinion: Why we should care about the Israeli elections

Ainsley Goh
April 10, 2015

You may or may not have read about the 2015 Israel election over the past three weeks. If you have, then you might have also read about how the Israeli-Palestinian conflict weaved into the elections. If...

Palestine interim cancelled due to regional violence

Maddie Hughey
October 23, 2014

A few weeks ago, the interim committee decided to cancel the Palestine interim trip due to violence in the region. On the interim, titled “Living Like Jesus Under Occupation,” students would travel...

Israeli-Palestinian conflict comes to Calvin in form of concert, lecture

Abby Zwart
April 24, 2013

What do a Jewish musician and a Palestinian Christian have in common? There’s no punch line to this one, except to say that both individuals will be on campus this Thursday, April 25, as part of a...

Netanyahu re-establishes detente with Turkey

Kemal Talen
March 29, 2013

Following the ebullience of President Barack Obama’s reception in Israel, the Prime Minister of Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu, apologized to Turkey for an attack on a civilian flotilla at the port of Gaza,...

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