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Calvin University's official student newspaper since 1907

Calvin University Chimes

Since 1907
Calvin University's official student newspaper since 1907

Calvin University Chimes

Calvin University's official student newspaper since 1907

Calvin University Chimes

Calvin works to educate students about crimes like sextortion -- including through on-campus posters like the one shown above -- and provides support and safe spaces for students to report this crime.

Sextortion: A problem on college campuses

Savannah Shustack, Editor-in-Chief
November 7, 2023

While walking around Calvin’s campus, it’s hard to miss the posters that say #StopSextortion. On the poster is information about sextortion and contact information for Campus Safety. These posters...

Internet and Digital Citizenship

Andrew Pruim
March 14, 2016

The Internet is a can of worms. My mother recently mail-ordered a box of shoes off of the Internet. She has done this several times in the past and has overall been reasonably happy with the experience....

Hackers hit big targets around the world

Jonathan Hielkema
January 25, 2014

In the wake of a massive breach of Target Corp.’s security, in which hackers compromised around 110 million credit card numbers, several other hacking incidents across the globe have highlighted the...

Photo courtesy Calvin Information Technology Facebook page.

New Internet service offers connections at universities around the world

Ben Rietema
June 19, 2013

Calvin is switching its Internet service from CalvinWireless to eduroam, a network that allows students to connect at universities around world without having to jump through any hoops. The switch will...

Photo by Ryan Struyk.

Calvin works to improve Internet despite lack of formal student complaints

John Kloosterman
February 8, 2013

When John Adriance does research in his apartment in Knollcrest East, the on-campus wireless Internet connection can’t keep up. “My housemates and I notice that the Internet stops working at least...

Online activist group lashes out against the Justice Department

Rachel Hekman
January 30, 2013

Anonymous is slowly becoming less and less so. The so-called “hacktivist” group Anonymous, known for its high-profile digital attacks on major corporations and other international bodies, is in...

Most Pinterest users have one thing in common

Jennifer Kang
October 3, 2012

Pinterest, a popular social media site, finds its popularity pulled towards only certain kinds of users — women. What deters most men from using the site?Pinterest describes itself as “a content sharing...

Google Chrome most-used browser by students, Safari second

Ryan Struyk
September 19, 2012

More than 40 percent of Calvin students use Google Chrome as their primary Internet browser, according to new numbers from Calvin Information Technology. “I love Google Chrome,” said junior Elena...

Estonia teaches coding basics to elementary schoolers

Jonathan Hielkema
September 12, 2012

Earlier this year, Linnar Viik, the head of the Estonian IT College, was quoted in The Guardian as saying to his fellow citizens, “The Internet is a manifestation of something more than a service —...

Curiosity Rover Explores Martian Surface, The Internet

Jonathan Hielkema
September 6, 2012

After a spectacular landing, the NASA rover Curiosity has begun its two-year mission to discover if life could have existed on Mars. In recent weeks, however, coverage in mainstream sources has begun...

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