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Calvin University Chimes

Since 1907
Calvin University's official student newspaper since 1907

Calvin University Chimes

Calvin University's official student newspaper since 1907

Calvin University Chimes

Projected 20-year plan imagines what the new renovation could look like. Photo courtesy Calvin College.

Students share views on planned Calvin renovations

Joshua Polanski
April 7, 2017

Calvin is currently in the process of implementing its “master plan.” The master plan appears in a booklet by the Campus Master Plan Steering Committee that presents Calvin College’s renovation plans...

Photo courtesy

Is running out of space going to be a “common” problem at Commons?

Dana Drosdick
September 16, 2016

Let’s face it: the glory days of the Knoll-hole are over. The 2016-2017 school year brings forth the rise of the shiny-new and glorious Commons. With sleek metal, comfortable booths, delicious pre-made...

Photo by Mark Peless

Renovated dining hall combines the familiar with the new

Courtney Zonnefeld
September 9, 2016

Commons Dining Hall is not what it used to be. According to many students (and many pizza-lovers), that is a very good thing. Renovations to the building have been planned since February 2015, but construction...

Photo Credit Sydney Hoek

Getting to know the friendly face of Commons: Nancy Rinks

David Fitch
November 13, 2015

She sits in the swivel chair at Commons and looks students in the eye as they approach. Her cheerful voice never fails to ring out a variation of “Hi” or “How ya doing?” Nancy Rinks has been...

Photo courtesy

Major renovation to Commons Dining Hall postponed to following summer

Alden Hartopo
May 14, 2015

A decision to renovate Commons dining hall has been postponed until next summer, pending a lack of specifications in the proposed project. Discussion for renovating the dining hall began in February...

Photo by Kate Parsons

Bosnian-Americans a fixture of Calvin dining halls

Kate Parsons
March 20, 2014

Sebiha has already been up for three hours, but she still greets every student filing into the dining hall with a cheery “Happy Friday!” as she swipes their ID cards. Most smile back. “I don’t...

Student reclaims dining hall food, distributes it to needy

Student reclaims dining hall food, distributes it to needy

Kellee Dragt
February 12, 2014

Everyone wants to make a difference in this world in one way or another. Calvin freshman Cameron Kritikos is doing just that. He is joining the Food Recovery Network to help distribute food to local places...

Photo by Anna Delph.

Dining services cuts weekend hot breakfasts, bonus bucks, morning B-quiv

Leah Jonker
October 17, 2013

At the beginning of this term, Calvin’s dining hall service made changes that affected more than half the student body: cutting hot breakfasts on weekends, reducing bonus bucks by $15 per meal plan and...

Buck Fridays serves midnight breakfast with karaoke

Zachary Van Wyk
October 8, 2012

Buck Fridays partnered with Knights4Life (K4L), Commons Dining Hall, the music department and the Video Game Enclave to bring a night combining karaoke, video games, breakfast foods and approximately 500...

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