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Calvin University's official student newspaper since 1907

Calvin University Chimes

Since 1907
Calvin University's official student newspaper since 1907

Calvin University Chimes

Calvin University's official student newspaper since 1907

Calvin University Chimes

All content by Victor Lynde

Dear Op-Ed readers

Victor Lynde
May 5, 2017

Dear student body and Chimes’ dedicated readership, First and foremost, I want to thank you for an excellent year. All the emails I’ve received and the many conversations that I’ve had, printed...

The role of student senate

The role of student senate

Victor Lynde
April 21, 2017

As the student senate election approaches once again we all begin to ask ourselves who we are going to vote for, who is going to be the next leader of the student body and who is the most inspiring and...

The benefits of frugality

Victor Lynde
March 10, 2017

Being frugal or fiscally conservative sometimes gets a bad reputation. The stereotype some imagine is of a paranoid and hunched-over person counting the pennies in their wallet, clipping coupons to the...

Teaching in a digital age

Victor Lynde
February 24, 2017

As a future teacher and a young person born at the crossroads of the digital age I have begun to think deeply about the role of technology and the internet in the classroom. While the digital revolution...

Sanctity of human life Sunday

Victor Lynde
January 20, 2017

This past Sunday was Sanctity of Human Life Sunday. Last week, we remembered and grieved the deaths, the murders, of 58 million unborn children who have lost their lives to abortion in the United States...

Lessons I’ve learned while working in a factory

Victor Lynde
January 13, 2017

I’ve been working summers in a factory since I was 19, and doing so was one of the best decisions I’ve made. From this work I’ve learned a number of invaluable lessons that I’d like to share. (1)...

Yes, Fidel Castro was an evil man

Victor Lynde
December 2, 2016

This past weekend Fidel Castro, the longest serving leader of Cuba, died peacefully. The thousands who died under his tyranny, on the other hand, passed away by less than peaceful methods. With the announcement...

Israeli scientists make breakthrough in HIV cure

Victor Lynde
November 11, 2016

Last week Israeli scientists announced that they have made a breakthrough on a cure for HIV and AIDS. Professors Abraham Loyter and Assaf Friedler of Hebrew University in Jerusalem have developed a drug...

Hiroshima & Nagasaki: Truman’s decision

Victor Lynde
October 15, 2016

Even after many years of history and evidence, the viewpoint that Harry Truman's decision to drop the atomic bomb on the cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki was unjustified has continued. In recent years...

Remembering 9/11

Victor Lynde
September 16, 2016

This week we mourn the 15th anniversary of September 11, 2001. We recall the day a decade and a half ago when members of Al-Qaeda rammed two 197.5 ton planes into the twin towers and thus killing 2,996...

It’s okay to change your major

Victor Lynde
September 9, 2016

To the many incoming first-year students, I have a message: It's okay to change your major. Let me begin with a brief criticism of the many American high schools from which you are coming, then suggest...

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