I am Calvin University’s first openly gay student body president.
Photo Courtesy of Claire Murashima
Murashima, the writer of this article, is on the right.
In the 102 years that Student Senate has existed, we’ve never had an openly gay student body president. It’s beyond time that the LGBTQ community is represented in the highest student leadership position at Calvin. I’m proud to be the first.
A few years ago, I never thought that I would be coming out to the world through my school newspaper at my Christian university. I wanted to be known as the girl who started Dance Marathon and led students to raise $50,000 for our local children’s hospital, the girl who co-hosted a podcast for the Chimes, or the girl who tried out for every single hip hop dance guild and was rejected from every single one. But my legacy will invariably be different, because I am Calvin University’s first openly LGBTQ student body president. I’m bisexual. I’ve also questioned if I was a lesbian in the past. Usually, I use the term “queer” because it encompasses all of these identities.
One thing’s for sure: I am not straight. I’m sharing my story with the community because I take the weight of representation seriously, I have a desire to lead Calvin and the CRC into the future and want other queer students to see themselves in my story. I’d feel as if I’d made a mistake as student body president if I did not use my platform to do so.
I’m proud to be Calvin’s first openly gay student body president, but it hasn’t always been easy to be queer at Calvin or to be open with my story. I didn’t want to be the cause of controversy at Calvin or in my church. An elder at my church back home was advised not to attend his queer daughter’s wedding. Although the church should not have done this in the first place, I didn’t want to cause issues for my parents in the place they love to worship.
Secondly, I didn’t want everyone in my life to see me as just gay and overlook all of the other things that make me who I am; my bad puns, my statement earrings, my love for How I Built This, or my obsession with oatmilk.
Lastly, I didn’t want students to see me differently if they knew this part of my story. With time, I’ve accepted that some will lose respect for me; however, I will not apologize for existing in the way that God made me. I’d rather be my true self to make space for other queer students than hide who I am out of fear of offending others.
Being closeted at Calvin is an incredibly isolating experience- and my staying silent will only perpetuate that norm. When I was younger, I saw very few examples of people who love like me in the church and other leadership positions I aspired to. I would have loved a role model who embraced both their queerness and faith–and I hope to live that out in my leadership at Calvin.
Numerous professors, alumni, and family members have asked me why I’m writing this now–given that “it’s easy to be gay at Calvin in 2020,” and “times have changed.” I have no doubt that it is easier to be gay at Calvin in 2020 than any other time in the past: gay marriage has been legal in every state for five years, overall support in the U.S. has been increasing for as long as I’ve been alive, and my generation has seen more representation in the media than ever before. I know at least 20 other queer students at Calvin, whereas my mom went through Calvin without knowing a single openly LGBTQ person.
But, Calvin’s heteronormative and relationship-focused culture can leave us feeling excluded. Furthermore, we don’t see ourselves represented in Calvin’s administrators or professors. Not seeing anyone who loves like us makes us feel like we don’t fully belong at Calvin. When the demographics of our university’s administrators and professors doesn’t match the diversity of our world, we are not reflecting the Kingdom of God.
My voice is the only queer one at many of the committees I sit on, such as Faculty Senate and Calvin’s Planning & Priorities Committee. It saddens me that there is no representation beyond myself in these spheres, because we make decisions that impact all students- including our LGBTQ students. According to Student Senate’s fall survey, LGBTQ students make up 7% of the student body, while openly-LGBTQ individuals make up 0% of our administrators and professors.
I’m happy to be a queer voice, but the responsibility of representing the LGBTQ community should not have to fall on me. Calvin is intentional about including people of color when making decisions–but we are okay with not having an LGBTQ perspective. Who will represent queer students in these intensive governance committees after I’m gone?
My hope in saying all of this is that Calvin will have more conversations about how we include our LGBTQ students and how we can advocate for more LGBTQ representation in all areas of campus. We’ve made much progress as an institution and a country, but I want us to consider the toll that our lack of representation has on our students. It is my prayer that we will be bold as we lead our university and our denomination into the future. I’m honored to be Calvin’s first openly gay student body president–and will continue to represent your opinions at the tables where decisions are being made.
Phillip Ibrahim • Apr 5, 2021 at 12:22 am
I am an alumnus of Calvin, I just read this article today with my daughter and 2 friends about to visit Calvin as part of their decision making process.
I am sorry to see that we are celebrating the homosexual culture in the midst of this fine Christian university.
I don’t know Claire, I love her as a fellow human being. I honor her right to choose her own path because God gave us freedom to choose. I would encourage Calvin University to choose not to embrace the homosexual culture because it is not a God ordained stance. We are born in God’s image and the Bible speaks clearly about marrying someone of the opposite gender.
I am disappointed that we should embrace the sin of homosexuality instead of embracing the people in a loving way and encouraging them to refrain from this sinful practice.
I hope that we can stop drifting away from the belief system God put in place through his words just because culture wants to redraw the artwork of God’s great design.
Elizabeth van der Veen-Haagsma • Mar 24, 2021 at 9:44 am
Claire, “you go, girl!” 65yrs ago my uncle attended Calvin but realised quickly it wasn’t the place for him so he came back to Canada and found a community that supported and loved him for who he was! I am so glad you are “standing up”and putting the support systems in place to make Calvin reflective of the people God has called us to be; loving and accepting!
I find it strange that people are threatning to pull their money and support; very counterintuative. I thought higher learning taught one to be a critical thinker? Maybe they are taking “critical” too literally!
Nicole Sand • Mar 23, 2021 at 9:22 pm
This saddens me to no end. This will definitely play a part in our decision to send our daughter to Calvin. There are plenty of other public institutions that she can attend for much less money. A major determining factor in attending Calvin is to be able to be educated with like minded Christians. We are all sinners, but in no way should sin ever be celebrated.
Mary • Mar 23, 2021 at 1:46 pm
So sad to see the direction Calvin is going. They can not call themselves a bible centered Christian school and then not follow the standards of God’s word on homosexuality. We love the sinners and hate the sin. This is what Jesus did. Calvin is not off my list of schools for my children.
Anthony Rollema • Feb 14, 2021 at 11:33 am
The faculty are supposed to teach their students in truth and righteousness. They could recommend a very edifying book ” God coming face to face with His Majesty “. In the future the faculty will stand before the Lord and be responsible for what they put in their students minds. A frightening thought, I would think. But they may not be born again with new life in Christ.
Dr. Robert J. Blok • Jan 11, 2021 at 9:51 pm
Isn’t this just great… Now I suppose one of the gay women CRC preachers can perform a ‘marriage ceremony’ for Masamura and her ‘wife” in the Calvin Seminary. Fitting indeed! Whom do I contact to remove my named scholarship for Calvin College students? Calvin has lost its’ way, as has most of the CRC churches.
Dr. Robert J. Blok
Calvin ‘1965
Ann Herfst • Dec 16, 2020 at 7:47 pm
So, if I now submit an article saying, “I’m the first open thief as president of the Cristian Community, or “I’m the first open slanderer as pastor of this church, or “I’m the first adulterer as president of this college, or “I’m the first secular immoral person as head of this newspaper”. What would be your reaction? These persons are included in the list in Romans. I’m sure even the gay community would not accept that. These sinful representations need repentance just like all the other sins. We do not make our sins moral by proclaiming it. One does not flaunt a sinful activity. As fellow sinners we love each other as fellow Christians redeemed by Christ, but we cannot condone the actions of a thief, a liar, an adulterer, or a sexual immoral person. I now also will not recommend Calvin for my grandchildren, even though my husband, and I, and two of my children have gone there.
Mark V • Dec 15, 2020 at 10:42 am
I have never heard anyone celebrate that they are the first student body president who is a murderer, or someone proudly proclaim they are the first adulterous representative of the class. I have not heard of a self-proclaimed thief celebrating their role at Calvin, or a self-avowed liar, unapologetically leading the class. Nor have I heard of a slanderer proudly announcing this is their responsibility to represent all slanderers on campus. But so many are celebrating this student body president for unrepentantly and unapologetically sharing her struggles with sin and her inferred submission to them.
It is true that we are all sinners (murders, adulterers, sexually immoral, thieves, liars, and slanderers). And that we all submit to them in some way or form. But we are given the opportunity to be redeemed, and justified through Christ Jesus! Shouldn’t we be celebrating the redemption and justification through Jesus, not the sin which is part of our sinful nature? Shouldn’t we be preaching repentance along with forgiveness which is the message that Jesus preached?
Matthew 15 18-20 NIV
“18 But the things that come out of a person’s mouth come from the heart, and these defile them. 19 For out of the heart come evil thoughts—murder, adultery, sexual immorality, theft, false testimony, slander. 20 These are what defile a person; but eating with unwashed hands does not defile them.”
Romans 3:22-24 NIV
“22 This righteousness is given through faith in[a] Jesus Christ to all who believe. There is no difference between Jew and Gentile, 23 for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, 24 and all are justified freely by his grace through the redemption that came by Christ Jesus.”
Luke 13:-3 NIV
“2 Jesus answered, “Do you think that these Galileans were worse sinners than all the other Galileans because they suffered this way? 3 I tell you, no! But unless you repent, you too will all perish. ”
Luke 24:46-47 NIV
“46 He told them, “This is what is written: The Messiah will suffer and rise from the dead on the third day, 47 and repentance for the forgiveness of sins will be preached in his name to all nations, beginning at Jerusalem.”
Dennis D • Nov 25, 2020 at 9:26 pm
After reading this article I was extremely disheartened that this is even being published from a Christian University newspaper. We all know the world and country have changes drastically since Calvin was first founded and the same values and beliefs have morphed. There is however one thing that has stayed the same for thousands of years and this is God’s word which I thought is what Calvin stood for.
The bible talks about homosexuality as (Lev 20:13), detestable (18:22), unnatural and in Jude verse 7 explains: “In a similar way, Sodom and Gomorrah and the surrounding towns gave themselves up to sexual immorality and perversion. They serve as an example of those who suffer the punishment of eternal fire”. I don’t think the bible can get clearer on God’s position and I do not understand how someone who professes to be a Christian can believe this is a positive thing for such an institution.
I by no means am saying that those who claim to be homosexual should not be allowed to go to a Christian University. I think as Christians we all fall short of the glory of God and we all need him. I believe that all sin is equal in God’s eyes. However, to allow someone to be in a position of authority and to lead a Christian Universities’ student body while actively, publicly and proudly going against God’s word, is a complete slap in the face to God and what he says on this matter.
She mentions in this article that Calvin is “intentional about including people of color when making decisions-but we are okay with not having an LGBTQ perspective.” This argument fails miserably from a biblical standpoint, which if you are a believer, should be the only one that matters.
I believe everyone is special in God’s eyes and we all have the opportunity to spend eternity with Him but if we embrace evil in the name of tolerance we have lost sight of what really matters.
1 Corinthians 10:23 sums this up pretty well. “Everything is permissible but not everything is beneficial.”
Brandon De Martínez • Nov 23, 2020 at 12:33 am
Steve Olsen • Nov 9, 2020 at 11:04 am
“The way God created me” is a frequent refrain for people justifying their homosexuality, bisexuality, and transgenderism.
The problem with this way of thinking and feeling is that it is entirely unbiblical, and anti-gospel.
It is clear that we are ALL born with a sin nature, and we ALL fall short of the glory of God.
Rather than embrace how we WERE made, we are to submit to God as He changes the parts of our nature that do not align with Scripture and brings alive Christ-like qualities and the fruits of the Spirit in their place. Claire, I am praying that THIS will become the priority and mission of your life – embracing who God wants you to be biblically, not how you believe you were made in your fallen nature.
1 Corinthians 6:9-11 Or do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: neither the sexually immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor men who practice homosexuality, nor thieves, nor the greedy, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God. And such were some of you. But you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God.
Anna Zeerip • Nov 8, 2020 at 8:56 pm
Calvin College BA 2017, MA 2019
Certainly, this is a cultural issue in our secular world. Absolutely, there is heavy political debate and civil rights movements regarding this topic. But fundamentally, the church is called BY GOD (it is a command) to be set apart from the secular world. There really should not be any question as to what is right or wrong in this matter, and I am daily puzzled as to how the church can be so polarized on the topic.
What it really boils down to is, what is driving your perspective? It seems that the two sides of the argument are driven by either stauch adherence to the commands of God-breathed scripture, or by the influence of a progressive cultural movement towards love, and acceptance despite what is written in scripture. Really, what more must be said? The Bible makes no mistake in condemning unrepentant sin. Those supporting this shift to celebrate, encourage, and condone this blatantly sinful behavior in the eyes of God have chosen to read the Bible, see what scripture says on the matter, and dismiss it because it is inconvenient to their own worldly desires and temptations.
This brings to question, then, are those who are eloping with this school of thought victims of blind naiveté kidnapped by claims of ‘love’ being the golden answer, or is this an instance of willful ignorance, where one has read the Bible, heard what God has to say, and hardened one’s heart towards God’s commands? And how, then, are those who practice strict adherence to scriptural commands then called hateful bigots?
Are we called to love all of God’s children? Most certainly. Does my heart go out to those who have been burdened with this load? Most ardently. But are we commanded by God to uphold his law as written and scripture even when it is socially unpopular? Most sacredly.
It is intoxicating to ponder how loving our God is. It is impossible for us to comprehend his forgiveness and his mercy. And it is so much more lovely and comforting to hear these things on the radio, in your devotionals, and from the pulpit. But please do not forget that our God is also an angry and jealous God, and do not also forget the painful reality that eternal fiery damnation awaits those who harden their hearts towards God’s word. We don’t talk about this enough because it doesn’t give us that same ‘feel-good’ Sunday morning aftertaste, and I see the message from the pulpit slowly fading this aspect of the Christian message, although it is undeniably real. The Bible is consistent in its depiction of God’s punishment responses to unrepentant sin, homosexual/sexual and otherwise with destruction of entire nations and cities in war and fire, and warnings of lakes of sulfur, weeping, and gnashing of teeth. Those in the church celebrating homosexuality have been emboldened by the civil, sociological, and cultural waves of progressive lifestyles, viewpoints, morals, and values in the secular world but neglect to give scripture the primary placeholder in their hearts.
I conclude by saying I see a deep divide in the CRC church that mirrors the divide in our great nation. This particular issue, if not guided by the compass of scripture, will likely result in a physical division and split the church pending the results of Synod 2021. My heart grieves for this church body and family which I have grown up in, and been part of many congregations previously of one heart and mind. I fear for what the future holds, but take comfort in knowing no matter how compromised this church becomes by the secular world, we can always turn to the scripture for truth and guidance.
Anonymous Student (from another school) • Nov 8, 2020 at 3:06 pm
The bible is clear acting out on homosexual desires is a sin (this article does not seem to be touching on orientation alone as shown by the gay marriage reference – also note Cindy Murashima’s comment on that), regardless of the mental gymnastics some people will go through to say otherwise. I do hope that this is not a sign of the end of the biblical truth at Calvin University.
Heather Nelson • Nov 3, 2020 at 7:41 pm
Hello Claire. I am currently reading a book by David Benett called, “A War Of Loves”. He speaks very strongly and from his heart about how living as a LGBTQI person, as any person, will be when we base our identities in Jesus Christ alone. We have a big God! Blessings, Heather.
Becky • Nov 2, 2020 at 6:36 am
As a former Calvin Pre-med, this article made me very sad and definitely made me not want to send my children to CU.
The first commandment tells us to not make a god in our own image, but what this certainly seems to be what is happening here for those who change what God says to fit their own fancy.
For all those who approve of this article, please consider that God’s holy word tells us in Romans 14:22: Blessed is the one who does not condemn himself by what he approves.”
Jesse Sun • Nov 1, 2020 at 3:44 pm
As a Calvin alumnus, I welcome you, Claire, to share your story with God in the community. Indeed, I admire how you do it so candidly, and how you raise the provocative issue of achieving public and institutional justice for a minority group. Meanwhile, I fail to see how homosexuality can simply be assumed as a part of God’s creation untainted by the fall. In fact, I’m not sure if any sexual and gender identity is to be wholly recognized and celebrated as if the coming Kingdom of God would bring no transformation that calls for our hopeful and yet mournful expectations.
I pray that you may be filled with the knowledge of his will in all spiritual wisdom and understanding, so as to walk in a manner worthy f the Lord, fully pleasing to him, bearing fruit in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God.
Abigail Preko • Nov 1, 2020 at 3:25 am
What is more horrifying? That a supposed Christian is proudly gay, or overwhelmingly the comment section affirm this and call those of us with “negative” comments disappointing. The bible clearly, without confusion, unapologetically condemn homosexuals and homosexuality. It is a sin, a sin that will be punished with eternal damnation if one doesn’t repent. Having same sex attraction, is natural to our fallen human nature. To have that attraction and accepting it is a healthy way as a Christian to begin to mortify that desire, a war that may go on a lifetime. To claim that is how you have been made by God which is not biblically true because God made us perfect, without sin, Adam’s fall made us sinners, hence being born with SSA and proceeding to act upon it is a grevious misunderstanding of God, of man and of our sinful nature.
The Westminster Book of Confession puts it beautifully. The chief aim of man is not to satisfy your desires or be true to your sinful self. But to glorify God (i.e. loving him and doing what he commands and he commands that we do not practice homosexuality) and enjoy him forever. Enough of the me me me. What does God require? Such a shame, and a sad day for me.
Mica Walter-Rooks • Oct 30, 2020 at 12:55 pm
To all those commenting against her: what do you think your comments will do? They are sentiments that every lgbtq+ person has heard a hundred times before. They’re sentiments we fundamentally disagree with down to the very translation of the scripture. These hateful sentiments will not do a thing, and I very much hope that if you have closeted family or friends reading these comments, they’ll realise how little you support them existing as they are. You have so much privilege, please do not make life harder for those that don’t. Also, to “Joe America,” the Song of Solomon exists. Sexuality and sensuality has never been private in the bible.
Donald Leonard Jabaay • Oct 24, 2020 at 11:15 am
With this event, many churches and families will not be supporting Calvin. How can a Christian organization support this kind of openly sinful lifestyle? Why not send your child to a state college? When we join up with the world, we can not call ourselves “Reformed”.
Brent DeWeerd • Oct 24, 2020 at 9:15 am
This situation is like every other moral situation we encounter in a fallen world. Do we affirm the supremacy of God overall all, the supremacy of his Word as his perfect revelation to us, and his good design for all of his creation? Or do we elevate the desires and experiences of ourselves, God’s created but fallen people, as the highest authority? God is clear on this issue in his Word. One of the greatest sinful temptations that we daily face is to want / accept Jesus as Savior, but deny / reject Jesus as Lord. The Godly expression of love in this and other moral situations is to lovingly speak God’s truth into them.
Stephen Norton • Oct 24, 2020 at 12:25 am
Romans 1:26 on display for all to see. Sad.
Robert Knol • Oct 23, 2020 at 4:21 pm
Claire, when I attended Calvin 37 years ago, I said very hurtful things regarding this. I mourn the hurt I caused others. I cannot take that back, but I can celebrate your courage and openness and pray that you are loved by the community. Thank you for sharing this and God’s blessings on your time at Calvin!
Dan VandenHoek • Oct 23, 2020 at 12:50 pm
I so appreciate the thoughtful and loving expressions of other contributors here (like Marian and Ed) who only have your best and eternal interest at heart, Claire. Those of us who seek to remain true to the teaching of Scripture feel it is important to sound a warning. This is not a trivial issue. If we see someone in what we perceive to be in a life-threatening situation and we say nothing, what kind of love do we have for that person? The most loving thing we can do is sound the alarm and not remain silent. And yet in today’s society, under current cultural norms, we are labeled as “haters”. In Proverbs 14:12 we know that “There is a way that appears to be right, but in the end it leads to death”. Please, Claire, don’t take these loving expressions lightly. Search the Scriptures; ask for the Holy Spirit’s enlightenment. My prayer for you is that you not only find Truth but deliverance and forgiveness.
Martin J Wondergem Jr • Oct 23, 2020 at 12:43 pm
* If you happen to read this comment amongst the many others… if you feel yourself burning inside… remember that you are loved by God even in a world where disagreement can make you feel excluded, unworthy, unacceptable or not enough. Being right doesn’t make you enough. You are enough because HE says so. You are loved.
Gary • Oct 22, 2020 at 6:33 pm
The vast majority of the commentators are calling her courageous. How is it courageous when most people are praising her for doing this?
Joe Twenty • Oct 22, 2020 at 5:28 pm
Thank you for your article. I’m sorry that the conservatives are having such a hard time disagreeing in silence and instead feeling the need to voice their unwanted opinions, but whats new? These comments are exactly why voicing this is so important. Keep being your authentic self and continue to spread love, even when there are voices, sometimes loud ones, doing otherwise. God bless
John Smith • Oct 22, 2020 at 5:25 pm
Thank you for enlightening me on the beliefs and teachings now prevalent on Calvin’s campus. As an alum, I will be sure to keep my kids and my money away.
Kathryn Bardolph • Oct 22, 2020 at 3:46 pm
Claire, you have my love and support. Period.
Damien Jacquemin • Oct 22, 2020 at 3:32 pm
I’m sorry Claire but you are greatly mistaken, as well as many others in these comments. How can one say he/she is a Christian by openly defying the Lord Jesus Christ? No one can talk about the love of/for Jesus without obedience to his word (Jn 14.23-24; 15.10). You are manufacturing a new religion that fits your preference rather than submitting to God.
“Or do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: neither the sexually immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor men who practice homosexuality, nor thieves, nor the greedy, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God.”
1 Corinthians 6:9-10 ESV
I’m not intrinsically better than anyone else. But the Lord shows mercy to those who humble themselves and repent of their sins. This invitation is for you too. That is truly the love of God: that he gave his Son as a propitiation of our sins.
Daniel Clark • Oct 22, 2020 at 3:02 pm
Either we accept God’s Word, the Bible, as the absolute standard of authority and truth, or we will be deceived, period. It doesn’t matter if you are the Pope, the President, or the wealthiest person on the planet. Heaven and Earth will pass away, but God’s Word will never pass away.
“Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. On that day many will say to me, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and cast out demons in your name, and do many mighty works in your name?’ And then will I declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from me, you workers of lawlessness.’
Matthew 7:21-23 ESV
Ron den Boer • Oct 22, 2020 at 2:59 pm
Looks like Calvin College has embraced the warning in Isa 5:20
Isaiah 5:20- Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil; Who substitute darkness for light and light for darkness; Who substitute bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter!
I went to a Christian School sponsored by the Christian Reformed Church and one of my teaches back in 1950s told me this would be fulfilled in the future, it is very sad.
Jeremiah Brownlee • Oct 22, 2020 at 1:58 pm
With love and respect to you as made in the image of God, none of us should ever be proud of embodying the things Christ died for.
I’m struggled with sex addiction. Could I have said, “That’s just the way God made me, i better embrace it?”
No, of course not. I repented of that sin, and I battle it daily to the glory of God.
I admonish you to do likewise.
Ed Gross • Oct 22, 2020 at 11:17 am
Thanks Claire for your honesty and courage. My conclusions about sexual preferences must be those of my precious Lord Jesus, because I am His disciple. This is why I lovingly disagree with you. Jesus made disciples, like hundreds of other rabbis in His day. And He, like the other Jewish rabbis, demanded obedience. Disciples obey. At the end of His time on earth, He commanded His followers to go global, making disciples of all the cultures of the world. At the core of their calling and commissioning was “teaching them to obey all that I have commanded you.” Instead of obeying His Great Commission, the “Church” began to “make Christians.” Today, church-going Christians constitute most of Christianity (2.3 billion today self-identify as Christians). I think you are a brave product of today’s Christianity. A Christianity that largely no longer embraces the elements of NT DISCIPLESHIP. “The disciples were called Christians first in Antioch.” (Acts11). The Christianity of the New Testament was based on New Testament discipleship. The New Testament was written by disciples to disciples who were making disciples of Jesus. The invitation of Jesus, the terms of His relationship were always the same: Those who would come after me, must deny themselves, take up their crosses and follow me. For those who save their lives will lose them. But those who lose their lives for me and the gospel will discover them. For what does it profit one if they gain the whole world but lose their own souls? Or what can one give In exchange for the soul? I pray earnestly, humbly and lovingly for you and all others enslaved by a Christianity that has largely stopped following the holy, selfless Lamb of God, whose goal included “taking away the sin of the world.”
Schip • Oct 22, 2020 at 11:03 am
Claire, you seem like a strong minded and joyful individual and I applaud you. There will always be those who choose dogma and literal adherence to scripture over the actual love of Christ. Calvin can be an echo chamber of paternalism and heteronormativity, which is a shame. To assert that only cisgender heterosexual humans are blessed by God and all else is sin doesn’t have biological, historical, or cultural credence. During my four years there in the mid 00’s, not a single queer student felt comfortable sharing their sexuality publicly, including myself—although a few were outed. I don’t regret one moment I spent on Calvin’s campus and yet I retain a great sadness for how I was unable to be my whole self while I was there. If you ever feel like the haters are getting you down, remember who Jesus liked to hang out with and conversely, who he was always calling out on their hypocrisy. And if you or any of the other gays at Calvin need/want a queer alumna auntie/cousin HMU. Peace.
Steve • Oct 22, 2020 at 9:45 am
As a member of the CRC, I am both grieved and extremely concerned by this article. First, Claire, you seem like a talented and delightful young woman. However, you need to hear what we all need to hear- the Gospel. You and I are lawbreakers and need to be justified before a holy and righteous God. Claiming that the God of all time and eternity made you to live in your sin is a lie. It is true that you were born in sin, as was I, but we are called by God to repent of our sin, turn from it and trust in the finished work of Christ. As has already been mentioned, this is Romans 1 lived out before our very eyes. Please, Claire, consider what the Word of God says.
Second, Editor of the Chimes and Calvin University, shame on you for allowing this to be published and for forsaking the authority of Scripture in this matter and several others as well. Liberalism, secularism and humanism have taken over and you are a very poor representation of the CRC’s higher education institution. You do not represent the name or theology of John Calvin. Therefore, change your name to better reflect what you truly are. I am ashamed to be associated with you and I can only pray that your eyes will be opened to the seriousness of what you are doing in the young minds of those under your tutelage.
Last, everyone in this thread knows this is wrong for the law of God is written on all our hearts. To suggest that the Church of Jesus Christ has misinterpreted Scripture for the last 2000+ years is sheer ignorance at best and pure arrogance at worst. We are called to stand on the shoulders of those who have gone before us and I pray that the CRC will stand for the truth on which it was founded and call its members into account for the sake of the One who died for us and calls us his bride. Lord have mercy, Christ have mercy!
Alegria Brumosa • Oct 21, 2020 at 9:07 pm
Thank you, Cindy Joy, for your words. This is what it means to me to be like Christ. May he give me (us) the generosity in spirit to love others authentically for his Kingdom. I trust that he will pursue the hearts of each of us and draw us to him. I pray that I will not be a stumbling block in his work. I find way too often that our limited life experiences, our need for comfort and convenience, our entrenched cultural beliefs, and our fears, lead us to judge harshly and painfully those the Lord loves.
I am proud of Calvin for being a place that is welcoming and wrestling with these conversations. I believe Claire’s courage (at some level) comes from a confidence that she is acceptable to God and that he will not abandon her–even if we do. He is that big and that trustworthy. He meets us exactly where we are–lovingly calling us his beloved–and walks through all of life with us. And that really is all that matters.
Lord, help us!
Audra Holst-VanNoord • Oct 21, 2020 at 8:28 pm
Thank you for your courage and leadership. How incredible and deeply important for youth to have a strong role model like you “who embraces both their queerness and faith.” What you are doing is sacred work. Keep going. Support and prayers to you as you continue this good and faithful work!
Sean Capparuccia • Oct 21, 2020 at 5:58 pm
Well…. “As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.” Sola Scriptura; Sola Fide…
Keri • Oct 21, 2020 at 5:01 pm
Jesus: “Go and sin no more.”
The World: “What’s with all the negative comments, Jesus?!”
Cindy Murashima • Oct 21, 2020 at 1:36 pm
Correction: the family from Claire’s home church was advised by friends from the church not to attend their queer daughter’s wedding, the church leadership did not make a formal pronouncement.
Marian VanderMeer • Oct 21, 2020 at 1:25 pm
Claire and I daily desperately need the same thing. Without Christ, we are “dead in our trespasses….following the prince of the power of the air…..living in the passions of our flesh, carrying out the desires of the body and the mind…..but God, being rich in mercy…..made us alive together with Christ.” Whether heterosexual or LGBTQ, we all lived and live in a way that deserved the wrath of God, and Christ alone can free us to be alive in Him and to live a life that honors Him. LGBTQ sin does not stand apart, we all need to be fighting passions and desires that we were born with, that still demand power over us after we have come to know Christ. There is a huge sadness in my spirit that Calvin is now flaunting those desires that Christ, in His great love, paid with His precious blood to deliver us from. We need to be flaunting His righteousness and character and deeds. He is the only hope for Claire and myself and anyone else.
Dan VandenHoek • Oct 21, 2020 at 1:01 pm
I understand the struggle many face in this area is very real, and I sympathize with that struggle. I have family members who have come out as gay, one that is married. We all struggle with sin and are in need of God’s grace to help us overcome our sinful nature. If we want to live in obedience to God’s Word, however, we need to wrestle with what God’s Word actually says, not what we would like it to say. There are eternal ramifications for the decisions we make; that is why I take this debate so seriously. My desire to engage people on this comes out of love, not condemnation. Yet, how do I express truth in Scripture without coming off as sounding harsh or hostile to those who have fully embraced the LGBTQ lifestyle? While I appreciate any church that actively seeks out and ministers to those who struggle in this area, it breaks my heart to see more and more become affirming of this lifestyle. The same has to hold true for a Christian university like Calvin where I attended over 40 years ago. How do you support those for whom this is a sincere struggle without affirming it as biblically acceptable? Not an easy task! An online video came out recently that takes a sensitive yet biblical approach in looking at this whole topic, “In His Image: Delighting in God’s Plan for Gender and Sexuality.” This was a helpful resource for me as I worked through my own thinking on this topic.
E • Oct 20, 2020 at 9:22 pm
The Christian faith is inherently homophobic. The negative and hateful commenters are correct: the bible directly condemns the LGBTQ+ community. I think its time to stop doing mental gymnastics in order to hold onto religion while also wanting to accept our LGBTQ+ loved ones. I felt a lot a freedom once I graduated from Calvin, lived in the real world, and stopped believing in god. Perhaps others who are experiencing cognitive dissonance should, too.
Anyways, go Claire!
Cindy Joy • Oct 20, 2020 at 6:09 pm
If you are offended or uncomfortable with someone sharing their orientation, and wish she would just keep it to herself, I feel for you. It can be awkward. We never had to deal with knowing about the LGBTQ community members who lived among us in generations past because they kept their shame, fear of judgement and loneliness to themselves so that we would not be uncomfortable. I wonder what anxiety, migraines, depression, suicide resulted from protecting us from their shame. They pretended to be straight, chose celibacy or left the church/faith but they had to choose one or the other. Now we know they exist. 10%. So what do we do? We can keep arguing about whether it is better to enforce celibacy to save their souls or show grace and compassion to save their souls. The more we argue the more Satan wins. What can we do in our churches to show love to these children we promised to love at their baptisms?
Rebecca Shannon • Oct 20, 2020 at 2:02 pm
The comment just submitted should have read “which does NOT mean it is correct”)
Greg • Oct 20, 2020 at 12:26 pm
God’s word is active and living, and Romans 1:32 is so correctly portrayed here. I am in such sorrow reading the comments celebrating sin.
Although they know God’s righteous decree that those who do such things deserve death, they not only continue to do these very things but also approve of those who practice them.
I’m a sinner too. I struggle with desires that God has commanded that I refrain from outside of his revealed will. But I can’t justify them by saying that’s just how God made me. Can a mass murderer use that excuse because he finds pleasure in murder?
Arthur E Jongsma • Oct 20, 2020 at 8:46 am
Congratulations, Claire! You are a child of God, forgiven, redeemed, and called to serve just as you are. Serve with joy. All One Body supports you and all LGBTQ Christians who have been despised and rejected by the church for centuries based on a misreading of scripture.
Michael Wald • Oct 20, 2020 at 1:34 am
I find this piece unutterably sad. It feels too late to say this, as if a Rubicon and a Tiber have already been crossed—and a Styx.
But those commenters who talk as if “the scholarship is settled” and “the Bible does not condemn monogamous homosexual love” must answer Jesus’ question, and they will answer it on the same day when we all answer for every idle word we’ve spoken: “Have you not read…?” Jesus, when asked a question about marriage and sexuality, appealed to Genesis 1–2. “Have you not read that he who created them from the beginning made them male and female, and said, ‘Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh’?”
It isn’t just conservatives (or the entire history of Christian orthodoxy) which sees homosexual desire *and* activity as disordered, as sinful. It’s Paul, friends, inspired by the Holy Spirit. Ἀρσενοκοίτης (arsenokoites) is a word Paul apparently coined under inspiration, and as the utterly standard lexicon (one not produced by conservatives) shows, 1) the etymology of the word and 2) Paul’s pairing of that word with μαλακοις (malakois) both demonstrate that it means men who take the active position in a male-to-male sexual pairing. And by including “malakois,” Paul is condemning both partners. Paul says that people who commit this sin and don’t repent will not inherit the Kingdom of God. Paul condemns lesbianism, too, in Romans 1. Reading is a moral activity. The Spirit is more than sufficiently clear.
Calvin University: orthodox Reformed Protestants would like the name of one of our most important spiritual forefathers back.
Willem Vander DeVriesma • Oct 19, 2020 at 11:01 pm
I graduated from Calvin 30+ years ago. It was not an easy place to be gay, but fortunately, life got better when I removed myself from the kind of people who post the negative comments here. We all find our place in this world. Claire is brave, articulate, humble and optimistic. With those qualities, she will go far in life. I’m incredibly encouraged by the numerous expressions of support for Claire. I had almost forgotten that Christians are capable of building people up in love, rather than tearing people down.
Ken Schelhaas • Oct 19, 2020 at 10:44 pm
All the talk about evolving and waking up…scripture says Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.
All the talk about love and understanding and acceptance. Jesus said, Go, and from now on sin no more.
Dan VandenHeok • Oct 19, 2020 at 9:31 pm
I used to have a real respect for Calvin and our Reformed tradition because of the depth of our understanding and respect for God’s Word. It is clear that times have changed, however, and I feel that many are now intellectuallizing themselves right out of the Kingdom. That happens when we, the clay, start telling the Potter that we don’t like the rules He has called us to live by, and when we come to celebrate a lifestyle that is clearly defined in His Word as sin. The mistake we make is the same one that Eve made when she listened to that crafty, deceptive serpent in the garden, “Did God really say…?” Yes, as a matter of fact, God did say…” if we are to take Scripture as God’s infallible Word. I find it sad to see so many contributors here miss this point. When we compromise the Word of God in one area, how many other areas will we ultimately compromise to fit our own narrative? Living in obedience to God’s Word is a true sign of His Lordship in our lives.
Susannah Epp • Oct 19, 2020 at 7:34 pm
This is an amazing and important article. I think the immense amount of judgement in these comments is really interesting, given Jesus’ commandments of love and how the only people he condemned in the Bible were those enforcing archaic rules to lift themselves up instead of focusing on loving others. Claire, thank you for doing this and blazing the trail for others.
Valerie Van Kooten • Oct 19, 2020 at 7:21 pm
As the parent of a gay son, my guess is that the author chose to put herself before someone did it for her. Christian institutions live to put their members, whether that’s a Christian school, church, or para-church organization.
Blessings on this young woman. I would love to believe that she will be remembered for all the wonderful things she did at Calvin, but as she says, this will be her legacy.
Joel Steenstra • Oct 19, 2020 at 3:21 pm
Scratch Calvin off the list of universities my kids will attend.
Rose • Oct 19, 2020 at 12:24 pm
How should your sexual orientation (or the homosexuality of 7% of the student population) change your Christian college? What do you want the college to alter based on you (and others if it goes your way) “representing” that sexual orientation? I sense errancy seeking justification here.
Sarah Yore • Oct 19, 2020 at 12:17 pm
Claire, I am grateful for your courage and strength and I am hopeful that Calvin University will finally stand behind you. During my tenure at Calvin [then College] 2002-2006, I never felt comfortable coming out as queer. It was hard enough being left-leaning and not CRC, but to heap a queer label on top of those other marginalizing identities felt like too much to carry at the time. Anti-LGBTQ rhetoric was appallingly common among students (and even some professors) and I recall frequent messages about the “sin” of homosexuality and sexuality in general. I remember how a suite mate had to vehemently deny and hide her sexuality to avoid controversy while living in the dorms; she couldn’t be herself during those extremely formative college years. Other students were ugly and speculated about her sexuality and how “disgusting” it was to share a dorm with someone who might be attracted to their feminine form. Other friends of mine were expelled for violations of the school’s sexist and archaic codes of conduct–things that would have been accepted at any secular school, but because of Calvin’s white, patriarchal CRC roots, were labeled egregious enough to warrant expulsion and ostracization. It was okay for the mens’ dorm to streak naked across campus in the snow, but a woman having a man spend the night in the privacy of her apartment was reprehensible and warranted expulsion. A pregnant student of color and dear friend of mine was encouraged on a number of occasions to discontinue her education, with less-than-subtle hints that her presence on campus did not fit with the school’s desired image. I grew very tired of Calvin’s dichotomous practices, preaching a message about a benevolent and merciful deity who welcomed the stranger, fed the hungry, and dined with the prostitute, but expelling or shunning students who already sat on the margins and were most in need of acceptance and support. College, what was meant to be an exciting time of self-discovery, independence, learning and growth, for so many became four years of trauma. If this is what Calvin University wants to be about, then perhaps they should consider adding this to their vision statement so that those of us who don’t fit the white, CRC, hetero mold know to look for an education elsewhere. My experience at Calvin and the many negative comments present here indicate there are still many at Calvin and in support of Calvin who do not truly embody the school’s vision statement: “a trusted partner for learning across religious and cultural differences and throughout the academy, the church, and the world.” And while the school’s belief statements clearly state a Christian focus to learning, there is a distinct failure to acknowledge the extreme individuality of spirituality and faith both intrinsically and extrinsically influenced. It’s not one-size fits all. Your spirituality and faith isn’t necessarily going to look like mine. If Calvin truly desires to be a trusted partner for learning, then their policies and procedures must stop asking everyone to conform to a single definition of Christianity and lifestyle and instead truly welcome and include all. Again, Claire, thank you for taking this major leap of courage. I support you and I ask that Calvin University do the same. Anything less from the school would simply solidify my position of non-support for the school in general.
Anneke • Oct 19, 2020 at 11:37 am
I love this! Thank you for sharing your story–so many others will feel supported and encouraged by you. May God bless you and keep you, and may all our LGBTQ+ brothers, sisters, and non-binary loved ones rest in the knowledge that they are fearfully and wonderfully made just as they are <3
Laura Luchies • Oct 19, 2020 at 10:00 am
Thank you, Claire, for your courageous voice and leadership. This is a big step in making Calvin a more welcoming and inclusive place for LGBTQ folks. I hope and pray that Calvin will redouble its efforts in this area and have Claire’s back.
G. Michael • Oct 19, 2020 at 9:41 am
Looks like Calvin has woken up. Maybe time for a name change?
Rusty Maple • Oct 19, 2020 at 8:26 am
Thanks for your courage and faith. I know from my own dogmatic beliefs ( now changed) how isolating and divisive religion can be in a family, not to mention a reformed university. Let love, healing, acceptance and celebration of your beautiful effort rule the day!
J May • Oct 19, 2020 at 3:10 am
“As a Religion grad from the class of 2017, it pains me to see such ignorance in the few negative comments above. The scholarship is overwhelming on this topic and it’s beyond time Christians understood that the passages quoted from the Bible to condemn homosexuality have nothing to do with romantic relationships between people of the same gender. And, while Jesus never once mentioned sexual orientation, he consistently preached a message of love for our neighbor and love for those who have been pushed to the margins of society. Several of the comments I’ve read are sorely lacking in that Christlike love.”
This is really sad to see a grad of this university say this with such confidence. Just to be clear, the above position espoused by the commenter is extremely hard to prove. In my humble experience, it takes a willful effort to remain in a bubble of a certain type of motivated scholarship to believe that scripture testifies to homosexual relationships being acceptable to God. I’d encourage anyone truly interested to study both the passages in the original languages and the testimony of faithful Christians on the matter for the last 2,000 years. I don’t say this to condemn the above person, but certainly to exhort sober submission to Truth (vs subjective colonization of the presentation of the Truth).
Nachum • Oct 19, 2020 at 1:59 am
I’m not sure that the long line of those above proclaiming how “courageous” this statement is realize the irony of their remarks.
In a world in which it is advantageous for a young person who may be confused about her status but knows one thing- what she *isn’t*- it’s hardly “courageous” to write something like this.
I suppose any good news is that as the population of “queer” youth reaches 100%, the term will cease to have meaning.
David Vanderveen • Oct 18, 2020 at 7:46 pm
Bravo, Claire and Calvin University for being in touch with yourself, the world around you and helping to bring our collective morality forward. Love the diverse leadership that Calvin is sharing on campus and in the world.
Josh Webb • Oct 18, 2020 at 7:46 pm
As a Religion grad from the class of 2017, it pains me to see such ignorance in the few negative comments above. The scholarship is overwhelming on this topic and it’s beyond time Christians understood that the passages quoted from the Bible to condemn homosexuality have nothing to do with romantic relationships between people of the same gender. And, while Jesus never once mentioned sexual orientation, he consistently preached a message of love for our neighbor and love for those who have been pushed to the margins of society. Several of the comments I’ve read are sorely lacking in that Christlike love.
Claire, best of luck to you as student body president. Calvin is continuing to grow and evolve and I’m sure you’ll do your part to help move the school ahead in this long journey.
Mary Oele • Oct 18, 2020 at 7:12 pm
I don’t believe that condemning those who don’t agree with all of the affirmations is called for. This young lady is entitled to her opinions and choices, but so are others. The first amendment works two ways. What I fail to understand is why it was necessary to announce this to the whole student body. She fees what she feels. Should the rest of the student make announcements about their sexual preference? So she is gay. What of it? Move on. Was this really something that to be published in an article? Better judgment could have been used.
Jan Smeed • Oct 18, 2020 at 6:52 pm
Calvin is a ministry of the Christian Reformed Church in higher education. Why does Calvin hire faculty who seek to actively undermine the CRC’s stance on sexuality?
Dennis Holtrop • Oct 18, 2020 at 5:57 pm
To those of you who are not shy in offering your condemnation, please read the piece again. Claire is only disclosing the fact that she is gay. She has not shared anything more than that. Please do not pollute the discourse with baseless assumptions.
Mary Oele • Oct 18, 2020 at 5:21 pm
I also am disappointed in this. All students are welcome at Calvin, but it is not necessary to acknowledge sexual preference to be a successful student at Calvin. What this does is lift a person up because she felt the need for everyone to know her sexual orientation. Should we celebrate every student for their sexual orientation? Does this student deserve a medal for this revelation? I am offended by her lack of judgment. A person’s lifestyle is their choice. It is not necessary to share this information with everyone else.
Sara DeBoer • Oct 18, 2020 at 5:00 pm
We must all be able to bring our whole selves to God and others. S/he wants wholeness for all of us.
Blessings on you as you share your truth — you are blessing many others as you do it, Claire! Also, wonderfully written.
Take care, young person. This former Chimes staffer is proud of you.
Cherry Talsma • Oct 18, 2020 at 4:53 pm
“Hate the sin, love the sinner.” Yes, you are loved as we ALL are by our Heavenly Father. But you’re doing this is a reflection of all the normalizing behavior that is an attack on the Biblical principles this country was founded on. You have a right to “feel” the way you do, but you should not be flaunting it in order to justify it. That is ESPECIALLY a grievance to God. In fact he condemns it. Expecting faculty to represent this kind of ‘slap in God’s face’ behavior is an affront to all who have supported, and sent our children to Calvin specifically for it’s reformed education. Seek counseling, dear child. Don’t encourage others to go down this path.
Josh Maher • Oct 18, 2020 at 12:30 pm
Claire thank you for your part in enacting positive change on Calvin’s campus. God loves your love.
William Weld-Wallis • Oct 17, 2020 at 11:16 pm
As parents of two grads of Calvin, we are thrilled to see this. We have frequently regretted sending our kids to Calvin, due, in part, to its views on LGBTQ students. Some of the comments above, using scripture as a weapon, remind us of why we have those regrets. Your “coming out” is a gift ot the Calvin community. Thanks for your courage. I still want to believe that love, not hate, will win.
Juliana Knot • Oct 17, 2020 at 6:06 pm
If you are looking for your comment and do not see it listed, your comment was in violation of our commenting policy, found here https://calvinchimes.org/commenting-policy/.
This policy is long-standing. Please continue to be respectful of the author and others in this forum.
– Juliana Knot
Kirk Vanhouten • Oct 17, 2020 at 5:13 pm
On one hand, I am glad that this young lady felt comfortable attending a Christian college. On the other hand, I am sorry she has embraced a lifestyle that endangers her very soul. My fear is that this may be a symptom of deeper issues as Calvin has moved away from her Reformed roots in recent decades.
Dave • Oct 17, 2020 at 4:35 pm
Some words from Jesus: “3 In reply Jesus declared, “I tell you the truth, no one can see the kingdom of God unless he is born again.” John 3.
Neil Van Gelderen • Oct 17, 2020 at 4:16 pm
“Be killing sin or it will be killing you.” John Owen.
It is sad to see that we now celebrate sin and wish it to thrive. This, I fear, will be the death of Reformed churches.
I have revised Owen’s quote to fit this story, “Do you welcome sin; do you make it your daily work; be always at it whilst you live; cease not a day from this work; be welcoming sin since it is killing you.”
Laurel • Oct 17, 2020 at 3:23 pm
The Bible is not silent on this matter.
Richard Williams • Oct 17, 2020 at 2:50 pm
I don’t want to undermine that you are a person made in the image of God and have immense value and capabilities as a human being because of that, however I believe there are underlying issues in your past that hinder your full potential. I am fully convince that sexual confusion arises out of negative experiences. It isn’t exactly the same for everyone as far as what those experiences are. I hope you will be able to find people who can honestly talk to you about these things and to be understanding. If you can face these things then I believe God would use you immensely to help others to do the same. As it is now, I think you are going to experience a lot of frustration. The way society is going is not helping people. I hope you see there is a better way.
Lauren Peters • Oct 17, 2020 at 11:56 am
Thank you for this piece, your bravery is inspiring!
Hannah DeJong • Oct 17, 2020 at 11:40 am
As an alumnus who was at Calvin through a lot of controversy about LGBTQ issues (the unspeakable “memo to faculty” being one of them), I am enthralled to see this piece. Claire, the Calvin community is lucky to have you!
B. Zuidema • Oct 17, 2020 at 9:57 am
Vanessa J, I do not agree with you; I would say, when the demographics of our university administration and professors DO match the diversity and liberalism of the world, we are NOT reflecting the Kingdom of God. We are called to be set apart from this world. ‘In this world, but not of it’.
Jen Settergren • Oct 17, 2020 at 9:44 am
I am thankful for your courage to speak your truth. I pray that you will find spaces to apeak out, but more importantly to be listened to. Congratulations and blessings to you.
Charley Hodge • Oct 17, 2020 at 6:56 am
We are openly supporting and crediting God for a disposition He Himself calls an abomination. We are told that no practicing homosexual will inherit the kingdom of God. We mustn’t make it so easy to run into hell! This is so sad and disheartening. God is no respecter of men or woman; he doesn’t care what you want or feel, he cares about His own Glory. He’s called us to His own glory. We would rather trade that in because our sexual orientation is more important that God.
Heidi Sytsema • Oct 17, 2020 at 6:52 am
Thank you, Claire, for this well-written and important message! Thank you, too, for living into your role in this public way. You will give hope and possibility to other students and be a voice that helps the University do better. The CRC is too far behind on this issue and needs to change – hopefully this proves to be a step toward it becoming affirming.
Lee Wilson • Oct 16, 2020 at 11:49 pm
You are very impressive and courageous. We all love you for you. The editorial is awesome. Congratulations!! Calvin College is better today because of your exemplary leadership you exhibited in your coming out party. This is great. Keep leading. We all need leaders like you. #godspeed
Joe America • Oct 16, 2020 at 10:57 pm
Deeply disappointed in this. Our sexuality is private, and nowhere does the Christian God say it isn’t, or that sin is to be celebrated because you believe it may be your natural instinct at this time. Particularly in Christian Organizations. In this world not of it kids and faculty!
Calvin University
Calvin University, formerly Calvin College, is a private Christian university in Grand Rapids, Michigan. Founded in 1876, Calvin University is an educational institution of the Christian Reformed Church and stands in the Reformed tradition of Protestantism. Known as Calvin College for most of its history, the school is named after John Calvin, the 16th-century Protestant Reformer.Wikipedia
Linda Naranjo-Huebl • Oct 16, 2020 at 10:49 pm
What gracious courage, Claire! Thank you for your story and your advocacy. May your truth go forth into the world and bear good fruit, bringing the light and love of God to dark places. Know that there are many who walk alongside you, sharing your work for change.
Natasha Rulason • Oct 16, 2020 at 10:37 pm
“I will not apologize for existing in the way that God made me. I’d rather be my true self to make space for other queer students than hide who I am out of fear of offending others.”
Absolutely loved this. Thank you for your voice; it is so valid and so needed.
Cheryl M. • Oct 16, 2020 at 8:41 pm
So are none of the commenters grieved that a Christian university is now OK with people publicly identifying themselves by their sins, or are those comments just not being posted? This is a very sad look at where Calvin is today.
Abel Zwart • Oct 16, 2020 at 8:05 pm
Claire, you are obviously a very gifted student who has used your many gifts to provide some insights so badly needed in the church today.
Ale • Oct 16, 2020 at 6:01 pm
Thank you Claire for your vulnerability & honesty. This speaks volumes and is so needed.
Katie Cummings • Oct 16, 2020 at 3:46 pm
I’m so glad to see this! Thank you, Claire, for being you with courage and honesty. Blessings on your journey, with this endeavor and where ever in life God may call you next. You have the prayers and support of this queer ex-alum, and I’m sure of many others.
Jane Vander Meer • Oct 16, 2020 at 3:17 pm
Thank you Claire for your courage and leadership! It gives me hope that your example will help change the CRC official position on homosexuality. When I was at Calvin we fought for women in leadership—which was just as heated, biblically justified, and now seems ridiculous. Hoping that Calvin and the CRC will stop being judgmental gatekeepers and instead embrace all people with open arms.
REDACTED • Oct 16, 2020 at 3:16 pm
Thank you for this. As a student who moved all the way through Calvin in the closet, this is a perspective that I so deeply craved. Listen up, Calvin admin.
Abe Huyser-Honig • Oct 16, 2020 at 3:15 pm
Thank you for writing Claire!
Andrew Twining • Oct 16, 2020 at 1:31 pm
Wow this is so important! Thanks for sharing and using your platform.
Rebecca B • Oct 16, 2020 at 1:18 pm
Thank you Claire for your bravery and your thoughtful leadership!
Jamin Hubner • Oct 16, 2020 at 12:56 pm
Wonderful courage Claire. Christianity was never a heterosexual religion, and it can’t be today if it is to be in any way meaningful and true to its purposes.
Sexual and gender minorities will hopefully be recognized as part of God’s diverse creation as much as the flowers in the pasture and fish in the sea. Semper Reformanda. Your voice matters and will embolden others to shed their shame and start living without fear.
Dr. Jamin Hubner
Dordt Theology Alum
RTS Alum
Joel VANDERVEEN • Oct 16, 2020 at 12:44 pm
Congrats, Claire for being bold to be part of leadership and sharing your unique voice at Calvin, so that others, part of less represented groups, can hopefully feel more comfortable being part of the Calvin community, and part of the communities they are preparing to be a part of.
Katie Hickok • Oct 16, 2020 at 12:25 pm
Thank you for sharing Claire. I pray you and other students that identify as LGBTQ feel supported near and far from those of us in the Calvin community who see you and send you love as your fellow brothers and sisters in Christ. You are exactly where you are supposed to be and you belong in this Calvin community. Praying we keep making forward in this very necessary journey.
Joseph Kuilema • Oct 16, 2020 at 11:54 am
Thank you for this gift, and for your courage to bring your whole self into our community. My prayer is that God will use these words to soften hardened hearts, and open eyes to the movement of the Holy Spirit in our midst. Thank you Claire. It’s been an honor to have you in class, and to see you live out Calvin’s mission to equip students to think deeply, act justly, and live wholeheartedly as agents of renewal.
Vanessa Jebb • Oct 16, 2020 at 11:51 am
“When the demographics of our university’s administrators and professors doesn’t match the diversity of our world, we are not reflecting the Kingdom of God.”
Beautifully written Claire. I admire your courage and it’s clear that your motive is so driven by giving other LGBTQ+ students a sense of belonging and equal representation. Thank you.
Lauren Cole • Oct 16, 2020 at 11:25 am
This is an amazing piece. Thank you for your courage in sharing it.
Annette Espinoza • Oct 16, 2020 at 10:56 am
Go Claire!! So happy to see that chimes is continuing to deliver hopeful stories of truth and addressing cultural norms that are long overdue to change at Calvin. Go Chimes staff! Couldn’t be prouder to be a former Editor. -Campus Co-Editor Class of ‘19