Construction to come
A photo of where the new walkway will be.
Physical Plant plans to install a new walkway on the north side of the library. The walkway will connect the new Peet’s entrance of the library to Johnny’s.
Director of Facilities Russell Bray says the new walkway is “a natural path for many students” to get to the library from Johnny’s since the new Peet’s door is there. Bray says that, depending on weather, construction for the new path will start this week with asphalt being laid next week. Markings have already been cut and can be seen on the concrete now.
Library worker and senior Julia Verstraete thinks the new pathway will be useful for students, even though she personally doesn’t frequent Peet’s.
“Stay tuned,” commented Bray, “you’ll see some equipment preparing for the new walk.” In regard to future campus changes, Bray says that the physical plant is “constantly evaluating and planning” for different projects, although most usually happen during the summer.