The Anime Club is a student-led organization that seeks to “create a forum for students interested in the art form of ‘anime’ as an indicator of Japanese culture. The club is also a forum to explore the social and philosophical issues of anime story lines,” according to their mission statement.
The Anime Club’s 20 to 30 members meet twice a week, attend various smaller events and participate in two anime conventions, or cons, in Detroit and Lansing.
Every Monday, the club watches three episodes of an anime until they complete the series, which usually consist of around 12 total episodes. On Wednesdays the club watches the first few episodes of a series that fits the genre of the week.
According to club member, first-year student Ashlee Wycoff, Anime Club “provides a fun enforcement of friends full of laughter and love. I’m glad I was able to join and have fun with everyone.”
The leadership aims to help “individuals discover a deeper level of enjoyment and appreciation for anime and the surrounding culture, but also create a college community of brothers and sisters to share in their pastime.”
The club offers a diverse range of activities, which include various games, the occasional trip to an anime culture-related event and participation in anime cons.
Cons are three to four day events in which thousands of people celebrate the culture of anime and other Japanese media. The celebration often includes dancing to “kawaii,” or cute music, and dressing up as an anime character in an activity known as cosplaying.
“We welcome anyone to join us for our meetings to enjoy anime with us,” says leadership team member Audrey Enters. “We are a supportive community and encourage anyone to join us.”
The anime club meets every Monday and Wednesday at 7 p.m. in North Hall 168.