“About a Boy,” the new hit comedy from producer Jason Katims, started out as a book by Nick Hornby. It was made into a movie featuring Hugh Grant and a young Nicholas Hoult in 2002. Now, NBC has turned...
Before the movie “Pitch Perfect,” there was NBC’s show “The Sing-Off.” This is where cappella groups, young and old, take the stage and try to impress the judges with their talent and their stage...
Forget about those Cullens and the diaries — it’s time to talk about the original vampire: Dracula.
“Dracula” starts in the country of Romania in 1881, where viewers meet two explorers as they...
Ever since Anthony Hopkins made his first appearance in 1991’s “The Silence of the Lambs,” Dr. Hannibal Lecter has been one of the most iconic villains in pop culture.
Created by author Thomas Harris,...