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Since 1907
Calvin University's official student newspaper since 1907

Calvin University Chimes

Calvin University's official student newspaper since 1907

Calvin University Chimes

Barack Obama edges out Romney in Electoral College, popular vote

Rachel Hekman
November 7, 2012

No matter which party you identify most strongly with, Tuesday night was a rollercoaster ride of emotions and expectations. When the polls opened early Tuesday morning for the 2012 federal elections,...

Biblical perspectives for campaign 2012

Connor Sterchi
October 12, 2012

In less than a month, the polls will be open and we will decide who will be our president for the next four years — the incumbent Democrat, President Barack Obama, or Republican challenger Mitt Romney....

Everything you will ever need to know about the 2012 election

Maxwell Howard
October 12, 2012

When I think about the 2012 presidential election, I must confess: I get a little queasy. I feel like I should vote, but I know little of the two candidates. I think my uncle told me that Obama is a communist?...

Romney clear victor in presidential debate

Rachel Hekman
October 10, 2012

In case you weren’t aware, there’s an election on. Last week, incumbent President Obama and Republican nominee Mitt Romney faced off in the first of three presidential debates in Denver, Colo. Presided...

Unemployment rate drops below 8 percent as election nears

Julia Gho
October 10, 2012

In September, the jobless rate reached the lowest level since Barack Obama became president. The unemployment rate improved from 8.1 percent to 7.8 percent. At a campaign event in Virginia, Obama said,...

Candidates prep for first of three debates

Connor Sterchi
October 3, 2012

The first presidential debate between President Barack Obama and Gov. Mitt Romney will take place on Wednesday night at the University of Denver. The debate will be moderated by Jim Lehrer of PBS and will...

Presidential candidates use data mining to reach voters

Jonathan Hielkema
October 3, 2012

Before the turn of the current millennium, political campaigning was largely based on polling. Presidential and legislative candidates’ operations would analyze data and formulate plans based on where...

Asian carp threaten Great Lakes, Obama and Romney respond

Andrew Pruim
September 26, 2012

Most people who have been living around the Great Lakes or the Mississippi waterways for the last few years know that we have a major threat living in our water. This threat revolves around the Asian carp,...

Romney releases 2011 tax returns

Rachel Hekman
September 26, 2012

In a scenario eerily similar to last year’s “birther” debate that died down after President Obama released his birth certificate, Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney caved to Democratic pressure...

Romney’s tax plan laid out

Rachel Hekman
September 12, 2012

Mere weeks after their official nominations, Republican presidential and vice-presidential hopefuls Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan have released more details of their tax plan. Crafted to adhere to the historically...

The 40th RNC takes place in Tampa

Josh deLacy
September 6, 2012

The GOP nominated Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan as its Presidential and Vice-Presidential candidates, respectively, at the 40th Republican National Convention (RNC) held in Tampa, Florida. The convention...

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