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Calvin University's official student newspaper since 1907

Calvin University Chimes

Since 1907
Calvin University's official student newspaper since 1907

Calvin University Chimes

Calvin University's official student newspaper since 1907

Calvin University Chimes

Photo by Wikimedia Commons user Kaldari (CC 2.0)

Study explores jumping spiders’ color perception

Natasha Strydhorst
November 13, 2015

While a spider stalking across your ceiling may draw the eye, its colorfulness is not usually the reason. But the distinctive colors are one of the defining characteristics of male jumping spiders and...

Chameleon color achieved by embedded crystals

Natasha Strydhorst
November 13, 2015

Chameleons have long been admired for their color-changing camouflage abilities, but it was a mystery — until earlier this year — how those abilities worked. Researchers at the University of Geneva...

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