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Since 1907
Calvin University's official student newspaper since 1907

Calvin University Chimes

Calvin University's official student newspaper since 1907

Calvin University Chimes

All content by Michael Messina

Potentially habitable planets identified, dwarfing previous discoveries

Michael Messina
May 7, 2016

Alien life might be closer than we originally thought. A nearby red dwarf star, named TRAPPIST-1 after the telescope observing it, has three Earth-sized planets orbiting within or near its habitable...

Apple’s revenue drops, company blames rotten iPhone sales

Michael Messina
April 27, 2016

For the first time in over a decade, Apple Inc. saw a quarterly revenue drop. Stock prices fell by 8 percent, and sales in China (Apple’s most important market besides the United States) dropped by...

Amazon coral reef amazes scientists

Michael Messina
April 27, 2016

A reef discovered at the mouth of the Amazon River is muddying scientists’ conceptions of those rare underwater communities. On April 22, a team of Brazilian and American scientists published an article...

Planet-finding telescope survives mysterious scare

Michael Messina
April 18, 2016

After a brief scare, the Kepler spacecraft is running safely once more. The scare came on April 7 during a scheduled contact with the spacecraft. At that time, mission operations engineers discovered...

Brains on LSD light up British scientists’ scanners

Michael Messina
April 18, 2016

“This is your brain. This is your brain on drugs.” Most American students and faculty will remember this saying, accompanied by an egg frying in a pan. Well, British scientists now have actual pictures...

Sound grenades developed to prevent assault

Michael Messina
April 18, 2016

A new sound-based personal safety device has spread to over 100 campuses around the country. Colleges from all over the United States are purchasing the Sound Grenade and giving them to their students...

Rapid sea level rise attributed to melting Antarctica

Michael Messina
April 6, 2016

These words, sung by King George III in the musical “Hamilton,” are in reference to the newly freed United States. However, they would not be out of place in a description of a chilling new study done...

Scientists spawn simple cell

Michael Messina
April 3, 2016

Scientists are taking the Stoic prescription of simplification to whole new levels, specifically, the cellular level. On March 24, scientists announced that they built a single-celled organism that...

Arctic sea ice at a new low

Michael Messina
April 3, 2016

Arctic sea ice cover was at its lowest extent on record this winter, scientists are reporting. Scientists at the National Snow and Ice Data Centre (NSIDC) released a statement on Monday, March 28, saying...

Science students present research at conference

Michael Messina
March 10, 2016

This past Friday, ten Calvin students presented their research at the annual Michigan Academy of Science, Arts and Letters conference. Five students gave oral presentations, while five students presented...

Great Scott! Kelly makes his last orbit

Michael Messina
March 6, 2016

America’s longest-flying astronaut has come back to earth. On March 1, astronaut Scott Kelly, who spent the past 340 days on the International Space Station (ISS), touched down at 11:26 p.m. ET in...

FBI hungry for new software, Apple not biting

Michael Messina
March 6, 2016

Apple and the FBI are embroiled in a heated legal battle over something found in the pockets of millions of Americans: an iPhone. FBI officials wish to investigate the contents of the phone belonging...

African-American scientists and inventors shaped our world today

Michael Messina
February 27, 2016

Lightbulbs, birth control pills, lasers, microphones, shoes. At first glance, this list seems like a collection of random items. A little research reveals a common thread that unites them all: they were...

Gravitational waves proved true when station picked up waves of two black holes colliding

Michael Messina
February 18, 2016

Once again, it appears Einstein was on to something. Last Thursday, a team of researchers announced that they heard the sound of two black holes colliding a billion light-years away. The scientists...

Air pollution kills millions

Michael Messina
February 18, 2016

Air pollution is killing millions of people every year, making it a global public health concern. Research released on Feb. 12 suggests that over 5.5 million people die every year as a result of breathing...

Trivia app site is result of rivalry school collaboration

Computer Science departments at Hope and Calvin collaborate to develop trivia app

Michael Messina
February 14, 2016

In an unprecedented move toward peace, computer science students and faculty at both Calvin and Hope College are collaborating on the creation of a new trivia game. Senior Carson Wiens, junior Tyler...

Canada protects rare ecosystem

Michael Messina
February 14, 2016

On Feb. 2, the Canadian government announced that they will protect 85 percent of the Great Bear Rainforest in British Columbia from logging and development. The deal, which took almost two decades...

Human embryo experiment uses genetic modification for deeper understanding

Michael Messina
February 4, 2016

This week, the fertility regulator of the United Kingdom gave British scientists the green light to genetically modify human embryos in an effort to provide a deeper understanding of the first moments...

Zika Virus may be more than international pain in the neck

Michael Messina
February 4, 2016

The Zika virus, a disease possibly linked to serious birth defects, was declared an international public health emergency by the World Health Organization (WHO) on Monday. The virus is transmitted to...

Hurricane Patricia newest in stream of El Nino hurricanes

Michael Messina
November 9, 2015

Hurricane Patricia, one of the strongest hurricanes ever recorded, made landfall on the western coast of Mexico two weeks ago. With sustained winds of nearly 200 mph, it threatened to be one of the most...

Could beer hold the key to saving the bees?

Michael Messina
November 9, 2015

Last week, the United States Environmental Protection Agency approved the use of a biochemical pesticide to protect managed honeybee colonies. The main ingredient of this pesticide is extracted from a...

Could beer hold the key to saving the bees?

Michael Messina
October 29, 2015

Last week, the United States Environmental Protection Agency approved the use of a biochemical pesticide to protect managed honeybee colonies. The main ingredient of this pesticide is extracted from a...

New Horizons mission reveals complex landscape on Pluto

Michael Messina
September 23, 2015

Earlier this month, planetary scientists made an unexpected observation: Pluto might be home to a series of dunes. “We have detected vast fields of features that look like dunes,” S. Alan Stern,...

Photo Courtesy

New study estimates earth’s tree population at three trillion

Michael Messina
September 19, 2015

A study published in Nature’s online journal this past week estimates that there are just over three trillion trees on Earth. Previous estimates counted only 400 billion, eight times smaller than the...

Photo by Wikimedia Commons user Nils Simon (CC-BY 3.0).

Atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations reach unprecedented level

Michael Messina
May 14, 2015

Average global concentrations of atmospheric carbon dioxide surpassed 400 parts per million (ppm) this March, according to National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). This is the first time...

New model improves hurricane predictions

Michael Messina
April 30, 2015

In late March, a team at the University of Arizona developed a better model for predicting the number of hurricanes in the upcoming season. The new model, developed by graduate student Kyle Davis and...

Tornadoes ravage northern Illinois

Michael Messina
April 23, 2015

A violent tornado touched down in northern Illinois on Thursday, April 9, roughly 80 miles west of Chicago, leaving many injured and killing two. Preliminary reports estimated that at least two tornadoes...

Warmer oceans threaten Antarctica’s Totten Glacier

Michael Messina
March 26, 2015

Late last year, scientists discovered that the West Antarctic ice sheet is collapsing, which is predicted to lead to a global sea level rise of roughly 11 feet. Last week, scientists from the United...

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