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Calvin University Chimes

Since 1907
Calvin University's official student newspaper since 1907

Calvin University Chimes

Calvin University's official student newspaper since 1907

Calvin University Chimes

All content by Kemal Talen

Obama’s budget proposal has long road ahead

Kemal Talen
April 17, 2013

On April 10, 2013, President Obama proposed a new budget that will cut social security benefits, reduce tax loopholes for the wealthy and replace the $1.1 trillion dollar “sequester” cuts with...

Efforts to introduce legislation lead immigration reform

Efforts to introduce legislation lead immigration reform

Kemal Talen
April 5, 2013

Business and labor officials negotiating on an effort to introduce a new immigration reform bill in the U.S. Senate, are very close to reaching an agreement. If consensus is reached, it will be the first...

Netanyahu re-establishes detente with Turkey

Kemal Talen
March 29, 2013

Following the ebullience of President Barack Obama’s reception in Israel, the Prime Minister of Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu, apologized to Turkey for an attack on a civilian flotilla at the port of Gaza,...

Angry mob targets Pakistani Christians for “blasphemy”

Kemal Talen
March 13, 2013

An angry mob in Lahore, Pakistan, exacted its own retribution for a crime of blasphemy by burning down the homes of several Christian families. Over 3,000 angry demonstrators in violent outburst vandalized...

Leaking of nuclear waste documented for first time in U.S. since 2005

Kemal Talen
February 28, 2013

The Hanford Site, located in the town of Hanford, Wash., is the topic of recent public criticism concerning leaking nuclear waste and waste storage operations run by the U.S. Department of Energy (DEA). Recent...

Use of drones in targeted killings sparks criticism at nomination hearing

Kemal Talen
February 13, 2013

The Obama administration has promoted the use of drones and condemned the use of interrogation and detention facilities as tools of counter-terrorism. The recent use of drones to kill U.S. citizens and...

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