In the current political moment I would hope that Chimes would exercise a bit more discretion in the op-eds that it publishes. It seems to me that publishing an op-ed whitewashing, making palatable, what MLK did seems a bit irresponsible. It does not further conversation or challenge anyone. Additionally, it reifies whiteness in ways that make it difficult to have conversations about what meaningful resistance looks like. An op-ed advocating that terms like “racist, sexist” etc. are shutting down conversation misses out on the ways in which some conversations cannot be anything but racist and sexist. I would hope that Chimes would hold its opinion editor(s) and itself to a higher standard and demand better written and substantive editorials. I hope going forward more discretion is used and attempts are made at avoiding the publication of whitewashed readings of resistance movements by men like MLK.
Jonas Weaver, class of 2018