Dear Sir/Madam,
As a not-so-typical teenager who gets enough sleep every single night, I am dismayed by the complaints my classmates make regarding sleep deprivation caused by several factors such as noise, late night activities, etc., in the dorms. There is not a single day that I don’t see classmates sleeping in class. When asked why they sleep in every single class, they blame their dorms saying, “Socializing begins right around midnight.” I am not saying that students should be stopped doing activities late at night, but I think it’s high time we warn people of the disadvantages of not getting sound sleep.
A research conducted by National Institute of Health suggests that over 50 percent of college students report daytime sleepiness due to insufficient sleep. It also suggests that sleep deprivation can result in “lower GPAs, increased risk of academic failure, compromised learning, impaired mood, and increased risk of motor vehicle accidents.” To mitigate this problem, college dorms should discourage any socializing activities after midnight and should start a campaign where people can anonymously report individuals making loud noise after midnight to their respective residential assistants.
Kashyap Sigdel
Class of 2019